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Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning everyone! Thank you to everyone who has been sending me photos and videos. You’ve all been working really hard and doing lots of super work. I have made up another wee slide show of some of the class. If you are not included this week you’ll feature in week 3. Someone in the slide show is learning the names of the bones of the body. Can you see who it is?

Hello EVERYONE! week 2

Today why don’t you post a comment in the comments box about something you are good at e.g. riding your bike, telling the time, playing the piano or helping around the house. I am sure lots of you have talents that I don’t know about.

Monday 1st February

I can’t believe it’s the first of February! I hope some of you managed to do some bird watching at the weekend. I saw lots of sparrows, some starlings, some pigeons and two crows. Sadly I didn’t see any of my favourite bird the robin or penguins my other favourite birds! I wonder why I wouldn’t see a penguin in my garden? There was a brilliant programme on over the holidays about all the different types of penguin there are in the world. My favourites are the Emperor and the Rockhopper.

This week we have added the lists of common words for consolidation. Most of them are on the little cards we send home but obviously you don’t have the ones since Christmas apart from on the grid. I hope everyone has been practising all their single sounds as we are moving on to two letter sounds.

This week, 1-7 February, is Children’s Mental Health Week. There will be a post on the main blog with more information. During such surreal times I think it is important that everyone is looking out for each other both adults and children. If there is anything I can do to support anyone please get in touch. As they say ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’.

I have lots of fantastic photos and videos from last week and I will be making up a wee slideshow – look out for it tomorrow. Everyone is working so hard. Well done boys and girls and a big thank you to everyone who is supporting you at home!

Have a good day!


I am also encouraging the children to not just read their book but to think a bit deeper about what they are reading and develop their comprehension skills.
This can be done through:
Answering questions about what is happening in the story, describing the characters etc.
Sequencing a story and writing a sentence about what is happening in the beginning, middle and end of the story.
Answering true/false questions.
Finding the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Looking for tricky words in the book.
Predicting what might happen next.

1.2 – plan (1)

Read and Draw sh

Common Words Stage 1 Weeks 1-7

Common Words Stage 1 Weeks 9-16






Friday 29th January

Good morning everyone! I bet like me you are glad it is Friday although the weather isn’t very nice. Hopefully we get some better weather over the weekend.

Thank you to everyone who has been sending me in fantastic photos or videos of all the activities you have been doing from the grid or otherwise. If you have managed to learn some or all of ‘Crocodile’ it would be lovely to see a video of you reciting it. Someone even sent me some pictures of them making delicious lentil soup.

Have a good weekend!

Happy Thursday!

Good morning! I hope you are all well. Have you been watching Mr Hay’s songs every morning? He would love you to send in a video of you singing one of them.

I am in school today but will answer your emails as soon as possible.

Have a good day!

Happy Tuesday!

Hello everyone! How are we all today? I wonder if you have watched Mr Hay’s song on the main blog this morning. It’s one of my favourite Scottish songs for wee children.

I have made up a slide show of some of the class showing the fantastic things they have been doing at home. See who you can spot! I will have more slide shows over the coming weeks so if you don’t see yourself today you might appear next week or the week after. Keep sending me your fantastic pictures.

Have a good day boys and girls!