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****Thank you and good bye!****

Well I can’t quite believe the time has come for me to write my final blog post (ever). Everyone in P1A has had the best year and I feel privileged to have been their teacher. I would like to thank everyone most sincerely for their gifts, flowers, cards and good wishes on my retirement. I hope you all have a wonderful summer break. Reach for the stars in P2!

Class update

Please see this term’s Jigsaw sheet by clicking on the link.
Jigsaw term 3

This term we have been working with money. We have been identifying coins and their value, adding amounts together and giving change. It would be good if we could practise this at home. We are also reinforcing addition and subtraction number facts.

Please remember to practise the common words at home. Practise spelling them as well by writing them down.

Thank you to all the children who go on to Bug Club regularly every week. This builds good habits as the children move through the school and the reading gets harder. Please remember the children should be reading a book more than once to build fluency and comprehension. It is also important to share other books with the children too.

I cannot believe there are only 6 weeks left of Primary 1. The children have worked extremely hard this year and I am very proud of them all.

Welcome back!

It was fantastic to see all the children back at school today full of news and energy after their holiday. There were also lots of new haircuts and tanned faces from the good weather! I can’t believe we are now in the final term for this Primary 1 class. Where has this year gone? There is a SUMDOG competition running from this Friday till next Thursday 29th April. Why not join in?

End of term update

I cannot believe that we stop for the Easter holidays on Thursday. Since returning to school I am pleased to say the children have been working very hard.

Today I have allocated some extra reading books on Bug Club to keep the children busy. Please remember the books can be read again and again to improve word recognition and fluency.

I would like to thank everyone for all their support since Christmas and I hope you all have a lovely Easter break.

Settling back in to school

On Monday Miss Kirkwood started working in P1A with Mrs Campbell. She is a third year university student studying to be a teacher who will be with us until the Easter holidays. I am sure she will have lots of great experiences in our class.

Miss Kinnaird is enjoying teaching P1A on Wednesdays to give Mrs Campbell Non Class Contact Time and Principal Teacher time.

On Mondays and Tuesdays we are having lots of fun outside with Kirsty Millar from Active Schools. We have been dancing to music, practising ball skills and learning basic tennis skills.

Mrs Campbell has been reminding the children that they should be reading their Bug Club books more than once to help them become more fluent. Dip into the library as often as you can!

We have been doing lots of assessments since coming back to school and Mrs Campbell is really pleased with our progress.

Welcome back to school!

It was lovely to see the children returning to school again yesterday. They were all so delighted to see their friends and are all settling in well to the class routines. Thank you for all your hard work with home learning during the past five weeks. You are all superstars!

The House Captains are running a Gargie Bake Off this week. All details are on the main school blog. Hope you can join in and earn points for your house!


Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have had a good week. I am really excited today, despite the wet weather, because we will all be back together again on Monday in school. I can’t wait to see all of you.

There is a new Sumdog competition running from 26th February until 4th March. I hope you manage to join in.

Our final slide show of remote learning is of birds and other art work and is attached below. I am amazed to see how good some of your drawings are – maybe you had a little help from an adult? Good team work!!

Hello EVERYONE week 4See you all on Monday!

Thank you

I wanted to thank you all for your hard work over the past five weeks.  I know that remote learning is difficult for you and your parents but you are all doing a great job.

It was lovely to drop into your Vscene meetings and see some of you this week.  It’s hard for us all adjusting to all these new ways of meeting virtually.  It will be so much better when we are all back in school.

Next week is “Gargie Get Off Your Screens!” week.  This was launched on the main blog by your House Vice Captains yesterday.  There is a grid with a range of fun activities for you to participate in with your families and each activity has a corresponding number of house points.  You can choose to do as many activities as you wish over the week.

I hope that you all have a lovely break over the long weekend.

Take care, stay safe and enjoy spending time away from your screens 🙂

Fabulous Friday

Good morning everyone! It’s Friday! Yippee!

I hope you are all excited about having a few days off school next week. There will be no class work set for Thursday and Friday next week. The House Vice Captains have been very busy organising an event called ‘Gargie get off your screen’. The information and grid for this is posted on the main school blog. The children will gain points for their house when they do the activities. It looks very exciting! (If you can’t remember your house colour it is on a label in your yellow diary).

Thank you to everyone who sent in a video of ‘Crocodile’. Watch out for a presentation on the school blog and you will find out who our winner is. I had an independent judge watch the videos and it wasn’t an easy task for her picking a winner. You were all brilliant!

A few children have sent in some terrific drawings of birds. If you have drawn one please send a photo of it to me and I will add it to a slideshow for next week. Or if you have managed to do the art attack activity please send me a photo too.

Have a lovely break and hopefully see you all very soon!