Week ending 27th November

We have had another busy week in P1A. Our new sounds were ‘b’ and ‘u’ and our new words were be, but and your. We are getting better and better at making and reading cvc words. Please help us practise at home.

In numeracy we have been working on number stories within 10.

This week we were gifted Book Bug bags by the Scottish Book Trust. Please take time to share these at home. The bird book is a particular favourite with the children because it is full of facts.

We have also sent home magnetic whiteboards with the children who returned their non magnetic ones which were given out in error.

Week ending 20th November

This week our sounds were ‘f’ and ‘o’. Please practise making CVC words with sound cards or magnetic boards. Practise writing our common words to help remember how to spell them.

We are doing lots of work on addition number stories within 10. For example, 1+1=2, 3+2=5, 5+5=10.

This week was Road Safety Week and we heard lots of stories about Ziggy. We have learned how to keep safe on the road when walking and when travelling in a car.

P1A P.E.

Just to update you on P.E. times for P1A. We have been allocated slots in the gym hall on Wednesdays and Fridays. We will still be doing P.E. outside when it is dry. On the set gym days we would appreciate it if your child could come to school wearing a white polo shirt and shorts underneath their skirt or trousers and bring trainers or gym shoes with them to school. Unfortunately we are unable to store gym kits in school. Thank you.

***BUG CLUB***

Just a wee reminder about Bug Club. Please remember to click on the bugs in the story and answer the question. Otherwise the book does not move into the virtual library and it does not come up on the teacher’s record as the book having been read. Thank you!