P2/3 – We have been learning about time


This week we have been learning lots about time. The pupils have been able to tell the time on the hour and half past the hour using an analogue clock. They are now starting to tell the time at quarter past the hour.

The pupils have also learned how to record digital time and have started making links between different times and their daily routine.

We have also had lots of discussion and tasks which have focused on days on the week, months of the year and seasons. This is ongoing each morning as we update our class calendar. 

All pupils really have worked super hard so far with their learning of time and I am really impressed at their efforts.

P2/3 The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch

Well done to these two super star pupils for their hard work recently when they decided to make a model at home which represents our current topic ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.’

They chose to do this in their own time as a surprise to bring in to share with Miss Thomson and the rest of the class. We were all super impressed as were the rest of the school when they shared it during our Teams assembly last week.

P2/3 PAThS


Today we were learning about friendship and discussed what a good friend is. We then created pictures of us with our friends and wrote what we thought a good friend was. Have a look at the pictures below to see some of the excellent suggestions the pupils came up with.


PAThS pupil of the day

Today’s PAThS pupil said that receiving compliments made him feel good and gave us a thumbs up.