P2/3 IDL Topic (Stereotypes)

IDL – The Vikings

Primary 2/3 were introduced to their new IDL topic today which is the Vikings.

Firstly they learned about stereotypes and discussed the stereotypes they have about different people in society. To do this, we made links to our learning of the visualisation strategy in literacy and by visualising different people in society we were able to discuss how we thought these people looked and acted then noted the pupil’s thoughts on the board.

When the pupils were asked to explain what a stereotype was in their own words they said;
‘it is your way of describing a certain person’ (Jessica)
‘it is basically how you describe someone but it is not always the truth, it’s your opinion’ (Eve)
‘it is for example a teenager might be sassy but not all of them might be sassy’ (Riley)

Next, the pupils discussed their stereotypes of Vikings which we recorded on the board before drawing how we thought a Viking might look.

Finally we discussed why it is important to know about stereotypes when learning about history. The pupils identified that if we always have stereotypes it means we will not fully understand what actually happened or how things actually were.

P2/3 Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing Afternoon in P2/3

Yesterday afternoon Primary 2/3 participated in peer massage which got them all relaxed with a clear mindset ready to start their PAThS lesson.


This was followed by our PAThS lesson where we selected a PAThS pupil to receive compliments. This boy was very polite and responded saying thank you to each of his compliments.

Our PAThS lesson focused on making friendships. We re-capped what we had discussed before the Spring break about ‘what makes a good friend?’ then spoke about and shared examples of how we could make friends with new people. Some suggestions included;

  • introduce yourself to them
  • ask them to join in with your game
  • ask if you can play with them
  • ask questions about them like what is your name and what do you like to do?

The pupils then paired up with someone in the class who they don’t usually play with at playtime to carry out some role play situations and a couple of pairs were selected to show their to the class. They were very confident when doing this and the rest of the class were respectful when watching them. Super work from Primary 2/3!

P2/3 Achievements

This week’s achievements have been updated and can be viewed by clicking the link below. We finally had our first face-to-face assembly today where these achievements were presented. Certificates will now also be sent home like they were prior to Covid for children to share with their families. I will still continue to share the awards on the class blog weekly as some children forget to share them with families once home.
