Tag Archives: Maths

P2/3 Numeracy – Money


Over the past fortnight Primary 2/3 have been learning about money during their numeracy lessons.
They have learned through a range of experiences including independent and collaborative tasks, role play in our Fenwick Cafe (using the menus they created during last week’s writing lesson) and using technology. All pupils have developed lots of useful skills such as;

  • Identifying values of different coins
  • Correct notation including the ‘£’ and ‘p’
  • Paying for items using a range of coins
  • Equivalent amounts
  • Adding up total amounts

P2/3 Directions

The Circles and Triangles have been programming the beebots to travel about their grid to find treasure.

The Rectangles and Squares have been looking at developing their directions by using the terms clockwise, anti-clockwise, 1/2 and 1/4 turns. They created their own Lego town and then wrote directions to direct each other to different locations.

P2/3 – Positional Language

Last week we began to learn about positional language and how important knowing these words were.  We came up with a list of important words.  Here are some we thought of: left, right, forward, backwards, beside, under, on.

Today, P2/3 came up with long list of jobs in which people need to use positional language. Here are a few examples, police officers, ambulance drivers, nurses, doctors, pilots, taxi and bus drivers.

We have been using positional language to direct each other in the playground to different coloured markers, to find objects on a treasure map with the help of Lego figures to help with left and right and becoming familiar with using the Beebots.

P2/3 Maths Week Scotland

Unfortunately I had a few issues when trying to upload photos last week so please have a look below at what we got up to in class

Primary 2/3 went on a pattern hunt around the school then created their own patterns in the garden.
The children noticed lots of patterns such as the squares in the windows, the bricks on the wall, the metal railings outside.
Click the images below to enlarge them.