Tag Archives: Mrs Conetta

P2/3 Measure: Capacity

In Numeracy today we have been exploring capacity.

Circles and Triangles were exploring using the words – full, empty, nearly full, 1/2 full, almost empty those a range of activities and estimating how many cups it would take to fill different containers.

Squares and Rectangles were focusing on filling containers to 1litre and 1/2 litre.  They also worked out how many 1/2L it would take to make 1L.

P2/3 Measuring Classroom Objects

Yesterday in Numeracy and Maths with Mrs Conetta, the circles and triangles were choosing the most appropriate item to use to measure objects in the classroom.  We used cubes, paper clips, counters, sticks and lollipop sticks.

The squares and triangles were asked to select different objects to measure.  They had to estimate and then accurately measure the object to the nearest centimetre using a ruler.