We started today by making smoothies in class. We worked together to choose the ingredients we wanted in our group’s smoothie. We then measured out the ingredients, added banana and fruit juice, and blended everything together.
There were mixed reviews, especially in the groups who added blackberries and kale.
After playtime we took part in a team work challege. We had to work together in our group to see who could make the longest paper chain.
Finally we went to a karate session.
Another fun day looking after our Health and Wellbeing.
Today we were lucky enough to have student Art Teachers from UWS visit us. They worked with p4-7 on an art project called ‘Making Touch Visible’. We learned about the importance of art to support your wellbeing.
We first came together and learned about Louis Braille. We explored braille writing and the series of dots that are used for the alphabet.
We then made our own puff paint using shaving cream , flour and dye. We used the puff paint to draw animals, food, the weather, summer fun and the beach on our roll of paper to create a mural. Our finished pieces of work look fantastic and will be used for the art students final piece of learning as students.
During our day we also went outdoors to twork with the Kilmarnock Football Coaches to race against the clock to score as many goals as possible.
Today we discussed what makes a good friend. We worked together to discuss what it feels like to be included and also how it might feel if you are not included. We discussed scenarios and what we would do in difficult situations with friends. We then spent time learning new facts about each other.
After playtime we joined P6/7 and together we ran our miles towards our journey to Munich. We have improved our stamina over the last few weeks and today everyone achieved their mile (and more!).
We the went to the garden and enjoyed some time together. Lots of the class have found a new love for snails ad slugs. We have been checking our bug hotels and making sure that we also take care of the seedlings that were planted during gardening club .
After lunch we took part in some yoga and Just Dance.
What an action packed day nurturing our Health and Wellbeing!
What a great start to Health and Wellbeing Week. We started our day with games in the playground. We enjoyed the sunshine and chance to play together.
After playtime we were lucky enough to have cricket coaches from Kilmarnock Cricket Club visit. Tiago and Dian are visiting from South Africa to coach with KCC and gave up their time to teach us some cricket skills.
In the afternoon we created new Olympic Mascots. We have entered our designs in to the whole school competition.
We have enjoyed experimenting with different art techniques to create amazing art work for our classroom this week.
First we used felt pens to draw flowers on sugar paper. We explored different flower designs and tried out different colours to cover the paper. We then used water and paint brushes to draw out the colour from the ink to create a water colour effect for the background. The finished results of our backgrounds looked really effective.
Next we drew zentagle patterns on our bunny templates and choose funky glasses to add to our pictures.
Our completed art work looks fantastic and has brightened up our classroom and corridor. This has been a favourite activity this week.
What a great time everyone had at the Science Centre today.
Primary 4/5 once again demonstrated our school values throughout the day and made all the staff and parents very proud of them!
We learned all about the planets and stars during our visit to the planetarium. We explored the different constellations and learned how to find the North Star in the sky. We also travelled in to space to look at the planets in our universe.
Exploring Floor 1
We then had time to investigate, explore, learn and play together on the different levels of the science centre.
Floor 2 and 3
After lunch we visited the Bodywork’s and Powering the Future Floors.
We all agreed that the highlights of our day were ; Planetarium, Dance Mat – generate the energy and spending the day together exploring and having fun.
A huge thank you to Regan and Riley’s Mum,Kerry for coming to help us to make our day run smoothly and helping us to have so much fun.
Capillary Action
P4/5 have been learning about Capillary Action.
Today we explored this movement using paper towels to “walk water” between cups.
Paper towels are made of many small fibres that have gaps in between them. Water gets pulled into these gaps by capillary action—the same phenomenon that allows trees to suck water out of the ground.
Chromatography Experiment
We then used this knowledge of capillary action to separate colours from black ink. The ink started to flow up the paper towel using capillary action and the pigments of the ink then started to separate. We explored different types of black ink pens and then different coloured pens.
Thank you to all our parents and grandparents who came along to our literacy open afternoon yesterday.
We enjoyed sharing some of the literacy activities that take place in our class every week including visualiser, clarifier, spelling and grammar tasks.
What a busy, booktastic day, with some fantastic costumes from our class.
Book Swap
First thing this morning we visited the hall to choose books from the book swap tables. Everyone was delighted with their new books and couldn’t wait to get back to class to enjoy them.
Book Scavanger Hunt
Next we followed the clues around the school to solve the book puzzles and discover the letter combination.
Ilaria was delighted to win the book prize.
Guess Who
Next we scoured the photos of staff from their childhood along with a picture of their favourite book. Everyone in p4/5 found Mrs Ross on her first day at primary school with her huge bag and copy of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.
Jim was the best detective and worked out who 6 of the staff were!
Author Visit
The final treat before lunch was a visit frim the children’s author, Rachel McGaw. She read her story The Unicorn in the Castle and then we were lucky enough to get a sneak preview of her brand new unreleased book.