All posts by eajudith.ross@glow

P4/5 Let’s go Fly a Kite

On Friday the wind πŸ’¨had picked up enough for us to take our kites out to the field.
We were so impressed with how well they flew .

Excellent aerodynamics, squeals of excitement and a fun morning of outdoor learning. πŸͺ

P4/5 Science and Technology

After reading chapter 2 of  Danny and the Champion of the World, we learned that Danny and his dad liked to make and fly kites.
We were inspired to learn about the science behind why kites fly. πŸͺ
We decided to test out some of our research and make 2 different styles of kites. We then predicted which kites would be the best at flying. We went out to the playground to test our theories.
We had lots of fun running to get enough wind to launch our kites in to the air. Ask us all about what kites worked the best.

P4/5 Literacy and Numeracy

We have had an exciting couple of weeks back at school. Lots of active learning and collaborative activities.
We have been working in partners to practise our spelling using dictation. We love supporting each other by peer assessing our work.
In numeracy we have been learning to round numbers and estimate values. We have played lots of games to consolidate our understanding. We have also been practising our 4x table and looking for patterns to help improve our speed and accuracy.

Welcome Back P4/5


We have had a busy couple of days back at school and everyone has settled in well and is eager to learn πŸ™‚ 


Our PE days this term will be on Wednesday and Friday. 
Please remember your PE kit – polo shirt and shorts/joggies/leggings and no jewellery. 

Homework will start week beginning 28.8.23. 
We will keep our class blog updated with lots of photos and news of our class activities. So keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks. 
I am looking forward to meeting lots of parents/carers at our class open afternoon on Wednesday 30th August. 
Mrs Ross