
Dyscalculia Awareness Day – Friday 5th February 2021

    (Designed by Eva McKinlay – P7)

This week we are having an awareness day for Dyscalculia. Miss Smith has prepared a daily plan for P1-3 and P4-7, full of activities and resources to explore. Our DFS Inclusion Committee are excited to explore different topics with you as they focus on inclusion as their main priority.

Below you will find links to the planners, resources, questionnaires and videos that should help you and your child to gain a better understanding of Dyscalculia. Please remember to fill out the feedback form to let us know what you thought of the activities. Thank you!

Dyscalculia Awareness Day 

Have a look at the Sway below to see what we got up to during our Dyscalculia Awareness Day!

Go to this Sway

Dyscalculia Day Plan P1-3 Fri 5th Feb

Dyscalculia Day Plan P4-7 Fri 5th Feb

Please click on the link below to find the P1-3 activities and resources.
Dyscalculia Day Activities P1-P3
Go to this Sway
Please click on the link below to find the P4-7 activities and resources.
Dyscalculia Day Activities P4-P7
Go to this Sway


Information leaflets to support parents/carers:

Dyscalculia Parent Leaflet

iPad Apps for Learners with Dyscalculia Numeracy Difficulties


Please follow the links to complete a short survey about maths and a review of the day’s activities.

Maths Mindset Survey


Dyscalculia Day Parent Feedback Form


What is Dyscalculia?

Many people may experience difficulty with maths. However, when these difficulties persist despite effective learning and teaching and supportive interventions, there may a specific learning difficulty. As yet there is no universally agreed terminology to indicate Dyscalculia.  However, East Ayrshire has adopted the following definition:

Dyscalculia may affect a pupil’s ability to:

  • Acquire arithmetical skills.
  • Understand simple number concepts
  • Gain an intuitive grasp of numbers
  • Learn number facts and procedures.
  • Even if they produce a correct answer or use a correct method, they may do so mechanically and without confidence. (Adapted from DfES, 2001)


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