P2/3 08:02:21 Remote Learning Grid
P1 Remote Learning Week 5
My Favourite Place – Mrs Greig’s Weekly Challenge
This week I’d like you to think about your favourite place. This is somewhere you go to relax. I’d like you to make a picture of your favourite place, including all the things that help you relax. If you send them to me by Thursday night, I will include them in our Friday assembly. Remember to send me any good news you’d like to share at assembly by Thursday night too.
Express Yourself Pupil Work
Well done for all the hard work you did last week. There were lots of opportunities to ‘Express Yourself’. Here are a few examples of pupils expressing themselves.
Primary 5 Home Learning Grid Week 5
Attached is Primary 5’s Home Learning Grid for next week. I have put a star at the activities that are important. Week 5 Online Learning
Feel Good Friday – 5th February
Good morning everyone!
As our week draws to a close, please complete this weeks Feel Good Friday with pupils in Primary 1 and 2/3. P3/4, P5 and P6/7 will access this through their class team. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
Our Friday Assembly
Well done for all your hard work this week everyone. This is out first online assembly. We have been thinking about mental health this week and hoe we ‘express ourselves’. Our assembly is all about that. I hope you enjoy it.
Take care of yourself Thursday.
Morning to everyone. I’m sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye properly yesterday in our vscene chat but it was so nice to see and hear you all and I am already thinking about all the good ideas you had for your learning. I know how much you are all missing your friends and the fun we have together at school but you are all playing a very important part by staying safe at home. Just like Sir Tom you are helping others too.
Its okay to feel sad sometimes . Have a look at how Lucy is feeling