Harvest Hush-In 2022

Harvest Service – Wednesday 12th October @ 9.15am

A warm welcome is extended to all family and friends to come and join us to celebrate our Harvest Thanksgiving next Wednesday 12th October. Please note we are not asking for food donations this year, thank you.


Catrine Primary School – Harvest Hush-In

To help raise money for school funds we are hosting a Sponsored Silence on Wednesday 12th October.

P1, P2 and P3 pupils will aim for 30 minutes silence, with P4 to P7 pupils trying to be quiet for 45 minutes!

The Harvest Hush-In will take place in class between 1.00pm and 2.00pm.  The pupils will read books and complete activities related to reading.  Each class has a class library so there is a wide range of books available.

All money raised will go towards transport costs for our whole school cinema trip in December – details to follow.

As we are a cashless school, donations for the Harvest Hush-In should be made on ParentPay – this means that we don’t need individual sponsor sheets. When you log into your ParentPay account, you will see a Harvest Hush-In notification – you can donate as much as you like (minimum donation of £1.00).  Please do not send cash into the school.

Please contact the school for any more information, thanks for your continued support and we hope you can join us at our Harvest Service next week.     Mrs Govans