End of Term 1 Thanks

Wow! Term 1 has simply flown in!

Thank you … to all family and friends who joined us at our Harvest Service.  It was lovely to show off our singing and welcome you back into the school again. 

Thank you … to everyone who kindly donated to our Harvest Hush-In.  The fantastic total of £124.50 was raised, which will go towards transport costs for our school Christmas trip – details to follow next term. 

Thank you … to everyone who attended our Parents Night appointments.  We had a turnout of 98% – our highest turnout EVER!  It was wonderful to chat with parents/carers and great to see families admiring the artwork in our corridors and classes.

Reminder … the school and ECC close today at 3.00pm for the October holidays.   We hope everyone has a lovely break and we look forward to welcoming our pupils back on Tuesday 25th October at 9.00am.

Take care.   Mrs Govans