If you would like to sign up for the Killie Kids, scan the QR code for more details. The sessions for this area are at the Barony Campus, Cumnock on a Wednesday from 5pm-6pm.
NHS Scotland Flu Vaccine (Nasal Spray) Programme
Dear Parents Carers
NHS Scotland is offering the flu vaccine to all children *aged 2 to 5 years (*on 1 September 2023) who are not yet at school.
The vaccine is given as a painless nasal spray. The date for the vaccines is Wednesday 1st November 2023 at Catrine Early Childhood Centre. You will receive a letter in the next few weeks with an invitation to attend your child’s appointment.
Visit nhsinform.scot/childflu for more information.
September and October Holidays
Dear Parents / Carers
The Centre will be closed on the following dates:
Friday 22 September to Monday 25 September 2023
Children return Tuesday 26 September 2023
Monday 16 October to Friday 20 October (October Holiday)
Monday 23 October (In-service day)
Children return Tuesday 24 October 2023
Tempest Photography
Dear Parents / Carers
Tempest Photography will visit the Centre on Thursday 9th November to take individual photographs of the children.
Toilet Training and Dummy Workshop
Toilet training and dummy workshop
Dear Parents / Carers
We would like to take this opportunity to invite all parent/carers of children who still use a dummy and/or are not fully toilet trained to a parent workshop/appointment on Tuesday 5th September here at Catrine ECC at 9am.
This session will be led by our Community Practitioner, Lauren, who will offer support, guidance and advice on both topics.
It will give you a chance to hear other parent/carer challenges, as well as give you the opportunity to ask questions and feel part of a supported network as we work alongside families to support your child.
We are aware that some parents may not be able to attend due to work commitments, however if this is the case home visits can be arranged from the Health Visiting team. Follow the link below to confirm your attendance at the workshop.
We thank you in your support with this.
Follow the link below to confirm your attendance at the workshop.
Rag Bag Collection
Our next Rag Bag Collection will take place on Tuesday 19 September. Please donate your unwanted clothes, shoes, belts, bags etc to help raise funds for the Centre. As with recent collections, bags are no longer provided but you can bring your donation in any suitable bag.
Fitfest – Free Family Event
Catrine Games Hall Trust -Open Day
Open Day at Catrine Games Hall on Sunday 27th August.
All Welcome
Early Years Lunch Menus for 2023-24
Dear Parents /Carers
Click on the links to view our new lunch menus for 2023/24. Children with special dietary requirements e.g allergies, vegetarian etc are provided with alternative menus. There is also soup and bread daily for any children who will not eat the choice on offer.
Catrine Beach Party 2023
Please have a look at the sway attached to see some of the photographs from today. It was an amazing day, great way to end an amazing year and I just hope that the children had as much fun as we did. I think it is safe to say we will all sleep well tonight.
Catrine Beach Party 2023 (office.com)