Keep your work coming in everybody. It’s lovely to see you all.
The staff are missing you loads.
An East Ayrshire Council site
Keep your work coming in everybody. It’s lovely to see you all.
The staff are missing you loads.
Good Morning everyone, I hope you are all keeping well and feeling optimistic. The best way to keep us feeling positive and energized at this worrying time is exercise! We have enjoyed taking part in Joe Wicks PE session each day on You Tube, you can live stream the session each morning or access the previous days sessions at any time of the day. I have made a 7 Minute HIIT Workout you can have some fun with, please give it a little go . Any videos or pictures would be lovely to see, have a good day! ♥
Just press on link below. We have 7 different exercises, 1 minute each exercise, give it your all!…Ready, Steady, GO!!!!!!!!!
So my idea for today’s task came from my 4year old’s drawing yesterday.
There is so much change in our little one’s lives just now but in their eyes they are probably loving it. To them, for most, their house is just how they like it these days with parent(s)/carers having more time to play with them, fun home schooling activities going on for older siblings and thankfully the weather has been good to enjoy walks and out in the garden. Their house is their safe place.
Encourage your child to draw a picture of their house and who lives in it with them.
Capture moments like these when you can and hold onto the positives that come with the negatives.
The long red bit are our stairs, the squares are the cushions on our couches she tell me. Up the top is “Mum, dad, Cole and me all playing in my room.” #WEREMEMBER #POSITIVITY
Happy Tuesday!
I’m working at the Auchinleck Hub today and I’m enjoying looking at all their lovely displays and pupil work (and stealing a few ideas for when we’re all back at Catrine PS and ECC!)
Today’s challenge is another practical one, but a REALLY important one …
Learn to tie your shoelaces!
If you can already tie your shoelaces (and I know that some of our ECC boys and girls can) – relax, sit back and have a lazy day – you’ve completed my challenge already 🙂
If you can’t tie your shoelaces yet then this is a great time to learn with support from your family at home. Take it slowly and listen to the instructions given, and then just practise, practise and practise some more. It’ll be great if we can all tie our shoelaces by the time we return to the ECC and PS (and it’ll be much appreciated by all staff members!)
As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.
Mrs Govans
Outdoor Challenge 10 am (Teddy Bears picnic)
As part of our drive to promote and develop our children’s communication skills we have decided to set a few outdoor activities that you and your child can do together.
We hope you have fun with these ideas, spend time together and simply chat. Please be mindful of social distancing and be aware of others around you at this time.
We would love to see or hear how your child got on with the challenge either through discussions whilst attending the ECC or through uploading picture / photos to our email.
Remember if you have older / younger siblings within your family then they can be involved too.
We look forward to seeing all of your pictures
Have a Teddy bears picnic.
(Buzz Lightyear, Woody, My little pony etc.)
Can you now draw your Teddy bears picnic, or get a grownup to take a picture of you and your picnic in full swing. 🍱
Click above to find our Tuesday schedule idea and don’t forget to tune back in at
10AM to find out what Jan has in store for you
and again at
2PM to find out what I have up my sleeve.
Have a great day everyone 🙂
This activity can be used in a variety of ways.
It can be a number recognition task – “Can you put a spiral on the number 5.”
It can be used to create amounts. – “Can you put 2 in the number 2.”
This activity is also great for exploring calculations. You can use the examples in the photo’s and/or create your own together.
I added mini tongs/tweezer’s to develop fine motor skills.
Great way to recycle your egg boxes too!!
Have fun. 🙂
Good Morning everyone, here is a little video to keep you all entertained. Please join in if you can – if you have any favourites from our song box that you can remember, send me an email and we might sing them another time 🙂
Have a lovely day 🙂
DAY 6 – Monday again ………
Children are you ready ???
Parent/carers are you ready ???
Let’s go then, you know what to do, follow the link below for a suggested planner and of course check back in at 10am and 2pm for Carrie and Michelle’s individual posts.
Don’t forget to keep the photographs and children’s work coming in 🙂
Just before I post more of the children’s fab work from this week I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has posted in and also to the parents who have taken the time to fill out our wee feedback form.
The comments were very helpful and thank you for the lovely comments that came through in them too with regards to the great job the staff are doing.
Have a great weekend – rest up parents – you have two days to recover 🙂
And please keep the pictures, videos and work coming in.
Ashton’s fabulous village and Abi’s stunning rainbow with a very beautiful matching top 🙂
Rebecca’s castle please click to view 🙂
Poppy and Flynn’s Days of the Week song
I’d like to personally thank our PS Catering Supervisor, Helen Hall, and our Janitor, Graham Fullarton, for their brilliant teamwork this week in ensuring that our primary school dinners were distributed throughout the village.
Thank also to Janet Fleming, our ECC Janitor, for her daily checks – making sure that our ECC stays safe and clean during these uncertain times.
Although school and ECC staff sometimes joke that a school with no weans would be a great place – let me assure you, that is not the case. We are missing their laughter, their stories, their tantrums and their wee personalities every single day.
So enjoy the weekend, switch off from the schoolwork, have fun with your family and take care (and remember to make your bed!) See you Monday!
Mrs Govans x
Easy peasy playdough. (Focusing on developing mathematical language.)
Ingredients – Plain flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, hot water & if you wish, food colouring or essesence.
1 – 1 Cup of plain flour
2 – 1/2 cup of salt
3 – 2 Teaspoons Cream of tartar (Mix all three ingredients together.)
4- 1 Tablespoons of oil (olive or vegetable oil.)
5 – ADULT add 1 cup of boiling water (add food colouring or scent if you wish, we used red colouring and orange essence.) Then mix and knead.
6 – Once ready and cool enough to play with you can create 5 currant buns, use stick/stones for candles to count,add shapes from puzzles, create amounts, long/short snakes etc.
Encourage mathematical vocabulary by asking –
Can you tell me when the cup is full?
Does the dough feel heavy or light?
How many spoonful’s do you think it will take to fill the cup?
Do we need to add more?
Good morning everyone!
Today our home link focus is food and health and the activity I have planned for you all to do is based on healthy and unhealthy foods.
Remember you can send pictures into Alana of you and your child completing the activity, so why not make two signs, one for healthy and one for unhealthy. Then organise the foods you and your child have found and place them in front of the correct sign. You can take a picture and send it in showing us your knowledge!
I hope both you and your child have a great time exploring healthy and unhealthy foods.
P.S- next week you will need some paper, drawing pens and pencils as we will be making our own lunchboxes!
And we’ve made it …….. Happy Friday everyone!!!!!!
Follow the link below to find our last bank of daily suggestion tasks for the week and don’t miss our final mystery challenges for the day at 10am and 2pm 🙂
Can we also ask that you take a few moments to give us some feedback on our past week whilst most of you have been learning from home.
We want to help and support the best that we can during this time and so we are open to honest answers and we aim to use your feedback to make positive changes and improvements for next week.
Remember nothing that we post is required to be carried out, its simply ideas for families to dip in and out of if you are finding the days long.
Thank you for your continued support – from all at Catrine ECC.
It can be difficult being at home most of the time & the days can start to feel like they are merging together. Encourage you child to sing along to ‘Days of the week’ like we do in the nursery. You could also look at a calendar together and identify what date and month it is.
This is our days of the week song below & my little girl singing along :
There’s Monday & there’s Tuesday
There’s Wednesday & there’s Thursday
There’s Friday & there’s Saturday
And then there’s Sunday
Days of the week (Clap Clap) x2
Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week (Clap Clap)
(The Addams Family Tune)
Good morning 🙂
I’ve received lots of lovely comments/emails from people in the village about the smashing rainbow pictures in your windows – they’re certainly doing their job of cheering people up so well done.
Today’s challenge is a bit more practical – learn how to make your bed!
This is a job that you should be helping out with every day – whatever your age – as it’s helping your family during these strange times.
So ask someone at home to give you a shout when they’re making the beds in the morning, and I’m sure your help will be much appreciated (and if you tidy up your room a wee bit at the same time, that would be brilliant!)
Your ECC teachers are posting activities on GLOW every day at 10.00am and 2.00pm and I hope you’re enjoying the wide variety of tasks that they’re organising for you.
Remember that you don’t have to do every task – if you’re doing other online activities that’s great and it’s even better if you’re having fun with your family in your garden, or reading books, or building Lego or skiddling with water and bubbles – a million different ways you could be learning.
Take care, keep in touch and look after each other.
Mrs Govans
Now this needs EVERYONE to take part !!!!!!!
Listen to the story below – it’s one of our favourites at Catrine ECC and once you’re done sit a teddy at your window.
At some point in the day you’re going to go on YOUR VERY OWN BEAR HUNT around Catrine and count how many bears you can find – Don’t be scared, it’s a beautiful day 🙂
Please remember to be vigilant of social distancing. This activity should only be carried out with the people who stay in your house and used as a way to give your daily walk/exercise a purpose. Thank you.
Here is my Halle (4) wishing she stayed in Catrine so she could join in xxx
So, Thursday already …… who feels like it should be at least Saturday? LOL 🙂
Here we go, you know what to do 🙂
And don’t forget to look out for my 10AM and Marion’s 2PM posts.
A huge big thank you to Ashton for sharing his beautiful rainbow with us.
Gracie-Leigh what an absolutely fantastic piece of work, super drawings and your writing is amazing!
And Owen …… what a star. Your facts are very interesting and your delivery is on point 🙂
Keep them coming in guys 🙂