Good morning to you all, welcome back for Concept Cat’s session 2. This week we have a brand new word to learn and Concept Cat has set us some new exciting challenges to complete based on this new word. Click on the video below to watch it and to find Concept Cat’s word of the week. Press to view in full screen😊.


  • can you go and find toys in your house and line them up like doggy, teddy and concept cat and see who is first, second and last?🤷‍♂️
  • can you think of a time you have been first and tell us a short story about it? This can be in the form of a video, written down, drawing or photograph. 🤳

Remember to send in all your hard work that you have completed for Concept Cat!

Curricular areas covered:-

Literacy- listen to a story, recalling story through own experiences, learning new words by listening for useful information, uses new vocabulary within various situations, joins in with rhymes, making own story up through experiences and props, use of mark making

Numeracy- use of mathematical language, collects and organises objects for a specific purpose

Health and Wellbeing– expressing yourself through various ways

Expressive Arts– takes on a role within a real situation to reinact a story, creating own story through using props, participating within nursery rhymes

Technology– using technology to film a video/ take pictures

As it is a holiday next week, Concept Cat will be enjoying a break so he will see you all again on 23rd February for a brand new word! Have a great week everyone, hope to see you all soon❤

Tuesday 9th February

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner ….. It’s time to share some LOVE!!! 

We all did an amazing job of thanking the NHS and keyworkers with rainbows on our windows.

It is time to share some love within our communities. #Sharethelovecatrineecc

  • Can you design your own love heart and display it on your window?
  • Talk about –  what you think love means, who you love, where you love to go and  what you love to do the most.
  • While out your daily walk can you count how many #Sharethelovecatrineecc hearts you see?

We would LOVE to see a photo of you at your window with your heart 🙂 Please send all photos to –

Here is another fun numeracy idea for counting, matching and recognising numbers.

  • You can use any coloured paper to create your heart template (two sets)
  •  Just like dominoes, you can use dots or hearts for the quantity on one set of hearts.
  • Then on the other set write the numbers for your child to count & match.

WORKOUT TIME ….. QUICK, Grab a grown up!!!

Curricular Areas

Expressive artsI have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials.
EXA 0-02a

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design.
EXA 0-05a / EXA 1-05a / EXA 2-05a

NumeracyI have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a

Health & well-being – I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in different kinds of energetic play, both outdoors and indoors.
HWB 0-25a




Monday 8th February 2021

 Good morning boys and girls. Today we are going to make handprint number lines. You will need…

Paper, scissors, pens, pencils or paint if you wish.

First of all, we are going to start by drawing around our hands 5 or 10 times depending on how large you want to make your number line, then we can decorate the hands whatever way you wish, pens, crayons or paint.

Next with help from your adult, we can start to carefully cut them out.

Once you have cut out your hands  you can write your numbers in the centre, 0-5  0-10 or even  higher if you want a challenge.

Once complete you can make your own number line.


You can also use your hands to measure items in the house, eg how many hands high is your sibling or mummy? Who has the biggest hands in the house?

If you don’t want to do hands you can make your number line with whatever you want use, eg shapes, trains, teddies, cars, tins from the cupboard.

If you wish to extend it, you could look for the numbers in your number line outside in the community. Can you see them on signs, registrations plates, wheelie bins?

Have fun and only do what you are comfortable with.

  • How many hands have you drawn?
  • How many numbers can you recognise and name?
  • Can you order the numbers correctly?
  • Who helped you with the scissors?

Other curricular areas 

Numeracy – matching, ordering, number recognition, language of measurement.

Literacy- listening to and following instruction, number formation, discussing topic with others.

HWB- strengthening fine motor skills through pencil and scissor control, looking for number and shape within the community.

Please send videos and photos to

It’s that time again ……..

………. it’s FRIDAY 🙂 

Another super busy week. Scroll down and have a wee peek.

Lukas followed the instructions in a big book of science experiments to make his very own volcano. He used vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to create lava and watched as it erupted. Does everyone reading this know what the word erupted means?


Lottie has been busy with her big brother’s school work this week. She also had great fun adding in lovely sparkly glitter to her play dough pack 🙂


Emily has also been working hard on both ECC tasks and sibling school work:)


When friends are reunited 🙂 ♥ ♥ ♥


Katie made a super duper den to hid in this week – this was my favourite thing to do was I was your age Katie 🙂


Charlotte’s mum was mega proud of her fantastic writing this week – well done Charlotte – great job 🙂


Wow Abi ! Your cakes look good enough to eat and your names are amazing !


Katie was pretending to be on top of her horse called Spirit. Great movement Katie and super positional language 🙂


Theia’s first ever poem, age 3 🙂 A big well done Theia 🙂


The giggles in this video made me smile – we are glad our wee Pick up Pick of play dough ingredients brought you so much joy (and by the looks of things your mum so much mess – haha 🙂 Great job Louie.


CONCEPT CAT – Leoni was delighted to receive these pictures from Katie and Ayla. Both girls did well to explore lots of things about the word “small”. I wonder what word Concept Cat will want us all to investigate next week 🙂


Great literacy skills Harry – super smart skills 🙂


Initial sound hunt – elephant, eight, egg, envelope and of course ELLIE 🙂


Ayla found something beginning with A, Alexa.

Great initial sound idea Ayla, we love the Alexa in our house too 🙂

A for Ayla and A for Alexa


And the award for having the bravest parents goes to Quinn 🙂 FANTASTIC!


Thanks again for another great week everyone. Your communication and responses to blogs and questionnaires have been greatly appreciated this week. 

Have a super weekend everyone and we will see you all back again next week




Friday 5th February

This week I have a fun painting activity for you all to try at home. I would recommend trying this one outside or putting an old sheet down that you don’t need anymore to catch the excess paint. (It could get messy 😂)This painting activity is called pendulum painting and it explores gravity.

Use technology to research some facts about gravity – you could draw a picture, record you telling me some facts or ask an adult to write the facts you find out about gravity. Here is a video that tells us all about gravity:

Gravity | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn Videos For Kids – YouTube

Gravity is the reason objects come back down when you throw them into the air or drop them from a height. Without gravity everything would float, like in space.

In this activity gravity is pulling the paint down to the ground which is shown when you watch the direction of the paint falling from the bottle/cup or running down the paper.

You will need: paint, paper/an old white sheet, a plastic bottle/cup, string, paint brush, scissors, sellotape, a branch on a tree or a washing rope outside.

Step 1:  Pierce a few holes in the bottom of your plastic bottle or cup.

Step 2: Attach the string to the top of the bottle/cup (wrap the string around a few times then tie or sellotape it in place) to ensure the bottle/cup does not fall to the ground when you then attach the other end of the string to a branch or washing rope outside. You might need an adult to help you tie the string if sellotape is not strong enough.

If you are doing this activity inside, then you could use 2 chairs with a brush connecting them to allow a pendulum to be created or use anything that can create the effect of a swing – in the video they use 2 cereal boxes and a kitchen roll tube.

Pendulum Painting With Kids – Bing video

Step 3: Place your paper or whatever you choose to paint on under the bottle/cup (if outside you might need to put stones on the corners of the paper to hold it in place) and fill the bottle/cup with paint. You may need to add some water to your paint.

Step 4: Watch what happens to the paint, you can gently swing/push the bottle/cup to move the paint all over your paper to create a lovely piece of art.

You can also do this activity indoors using only paint, paint brush, water and paper.

Add some water to your paint to ensure it is runny. Hold your paper up so it is not lying flat on a surface. Dip your paint brush into the paint then tap your brush on the top of your paper and watch what happens to the paint. You could also try turning your paper in different directions while the paint runs down to see what happens.

While doing this activity in whatever way you choose, encourage your child to use their problem solving skills.

Why is the paint falling to the ground/running down the paper? Reinforce the word GRAVITY and the facts you have found out about gravity.

Ask them what they could tie the bottle/cup to? Talk about the height of the item you tie it to. Ask them, before you try it, what they think might happen if you tie it up higher or lower?

Talk about the different directions they can move the paint in and how they will move the paint in the direction they choose. Encourage words such as pull, push, up, down, forwards or backwards.

If you use more than one colour the paints might mix so encourage your child to try and predict what colour they might make when 2 colours mix together.

Curricular areas covered:

Science – exploring gravity, Technology – searching for facts about gravity and recording the facts they find. Engineering – by creating their pendulum, Maths – discussing height and direction of pendulum. Using problem solving skills and prediction skills when exploring colour mixing. Literacy – discussing ideas, introducing new words, mark making pictures of their facts.

I hope you have fun exploring this painting activity and remember to send in any photos/videos of your hard work. Enjoy!

Post has been delivered to Catrine ECC

We emptied our ECC Post Box today and found lots of lovely letters, cards and drawings from some of the children addressed to friends and staff at the centre. Thank you so much for dropping them in to us, we thoroughly enjoyed reading them 🙂

If you haven’t managed yet but would still like to, then don’t worry, our post box will be out all next week for any more mail 🙂

Support at Catrine ECC during Lockdown 2021

Please may we ask all parent/carers to take a few moments to complete our short questionnaire. This helps us, as a provision, to get things right. It gives you a voice and helps us to improve our practice. It shouldn’t take any longer than around 5 minutes but, as always, if you would like to address any other issues that you feel are not on this form please feel free to email your child’s keyworker or

Thank you in advance for your time.

Click to complete

Children’s Mental Health Week at Catrine ECC

As this is Children’s mental health week I have attached some activities for you all to have a look at whilst at home.  Emotional wellbeing is so important in early years as it allows children to learn new skills and develop socially therefore building their self-esteem and  their confidence.   Practicing good strategies in mental health, learning how to talk, listen and manage our emotions builds resilience in how we cope with stressful situations.

I have a few activity ideas for you, let’s see if you could choose at least 3 things to challenge yourselves with over the course of the week.


Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Hi everyone I hope you are all enjoying the fun posts that we have been putting up for you.

Today we are going to focus on identifying and understanding the initial sounds of words.

Below are a few fun ideas to try.

The first challenge is to go on a scavenger hunt to find a variety of different objects and items.

Next, encourage your child to name the object and attempt to identify the initial sound e.g a doll starts with a “d”. To challenge your child you can ask them to think of another word starting with the sound and draw a picture starting with the same sound e.g draw a dog.


How many things can you find around your house starting with the first sound of your name?

Here is what I managed to find …….

Jj for Julie –           jug          jam          jar         jellyfish

Can you send me a photo of what you found using the first letter of your name?


Here is a fun video to get you moving & singing.

Curricular Areas

Literacy – explore and play with the patterns and sounds of words, discovering how they work together, listening, speech sounds, pencil control and letter formation when drawing. 

Health & Wellbeing – moving your body physically during video while learning about letters.

Any pictures you have could you please send them to my email address stated below thanks.



Good morning boys and girls, I told you on my daily task post that I had a surprise for you and here it is😊. As your Literacy Champion here at Catrine ECC I am going to be delivering a block of online learning regarding my new initiative which is Concept Cat. I am sure you will all love it as much as me and enjoy taking part!


What is Concept Cat?

Concept Cat is a very clever cat that helps children to learn lots of new concepts. This helps to develop and build children’s vocabulary and also giving them an understanding of the words. I will be posting weekly Concept Cat videos with a new concept each week. Now… for the fun part, below is our first week of Concept Cat which also includes your challenges👏!!

I hope you have enjoyed Concept Cat’s word of the week and that you have learned something new. Remember to send in your pictures, videos and work that you have completed based upon the challenges to


Curricular Areas Covered:

Literacy- listening to a story, recalling story through own experiences, clapping out words, identifying and recognising syllables, learning new words by listening for useful information, uses new vocabulary within various situations and joins in with rhymes (missing word)

Numeracy- counting out, making a tally sheet, groups objects by criteria, use of mathematical language, collects and organises objects for a specific purpose

Expressive Arts-takes on a role within a real situation to re-enact a story and participating within rhymes.


Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all doing well😊 Today my post is a little bit different to usual as I have a surprise for you all later! Below I have attached both the PDF file with the super fun activity and the benefits it has on us. I have also attached a picture in case there are any problems accessing the file.

MC Bowling


I hope you all have so much fun doing this activity, remember to send me in photos and/or videos of you and your family participating in it🤞❤:

Monday 1st February

Who ordered pizza?? 🍕

Here is a fun numeracy activity you can create together. This activity is good for counting, number recognition, early foundations for fractions  & subitising (this simply means to recognise a small amount of items without needing to count them)

All you need is cardboard to make the two circle & pens.
You can draw on the circles or use stickers if you have them, I also used bingo dabbers to create dots.

In the examples below we used numbers 1-8, depending on your child’s individual learning stage you can make this activity more challenging by talking about odd and even numbers, go up in 10’s (10,20,30…..), numbers 10 & up and begin to talk about simple fractions,  half & whole, use the pizza slices to create calculations e.g. 2 + 3 = 5

You can include this activity within role play, pretend you are in a cafe, provide your child with paper & pens for taking your order (mark making), you may also want to use money to pay for your order & talk about the different coins.

Can I have a pizza slice with 5 dots?? How much is it for number 3 & 8??

Curricular Areas 

MNU – Exploring numbers, understanding that they represent quantities and can use them to order. Developing an awareness of how money is used. I can match and sort objects/numbers.

LIT – Developing an awareness of when to talk and when to listen, taking turns within play & conversations.
Writing to record experiences during play.

Pick up Packs

DIY playdough packs have been made up for our children while they are learning from home. They will be placed in our foyer area beside our ECC Post Box from Monday to Friday this week. Collections can be made between 10am and 2pm. Please ensure only one family is in the foyer area at any one time. 

And as always – send us in your pictures and videos 🙂 

Have fun – love, Team Catrine ECC

Week 3 highlights

Well, its Friday again !!! And again we are chuffed to bits with everyone’s efforts.

Scroll down to see how busy the children of CATRINE ECC have been this week.


So this little Super Star is Emily’s little sister. Libby should have been starting with us on Monday, after just turning a big 3 this month – so a massive well done for learning all of that Scottish poem Libby. We hope to see you soon 🙂

Great observation skills Logan – a lovely wee video.

Counting out 0 – 15  – what a clever wee cookie 🙂

What a busy week we have had. We are all super proud of everyone. 

Keep your pictures and videos coming in and don’t forget to pop us some cards and letters into our post box next week. 

Friday 29th January

It’s now been a whole 42 days since we saw the majority of our children – and STILL not even met some of our wee newbies 🙁

The staff and children within the centre would love to hear from you all.

So, while some of us have been in the centre we have made a special Catrine ECC Post Box.

Your task for today is to help us to fill it.

We would love nothing more than for the children to :-
  • make handmade cards
  • write letters (scribe your child’s words for them or encourage them to copy some words if they are beginning to show an interest in letters)
  • tell us their news (as above)
  • draw us a picture of what they have been doing or who they are missing from the ECC
  • post us a photograph, or
  • anything else you can think of that will fit in our post box that can be shared with children and staff

….and to deliver them to the ECC. Our post box will be sitting outside our main entrance on dry days, and in our foyer area on wet days.

By giving your child a purpose to write can give them motivation and a better understanding of both our written and spoken language with it being put into context for them.

Encourage them as often as you can to make marks on paper, in sand, with shaving foam (recognisable or not – this does not matter).

Below you can see that each stage of mark making is as important as the next and part of a super special process each child will go through.

You can talk to your child while they mark make about a range of different things – long/short words, the initial letter in familiar names like the A in Alana and the M in Mum etc.

Whilst drawing encourage your child to add detail, eyes, hair, windows on houses etc. All of these little conversations stimulate so much learning and development – and remember, if it doesn’t quite look like a goat to you, it certainly does to them 🙂 so praise their fabulous drawing of a goat and give them a big hug for working so hard 🙂

We cannot wait to start receiving your post – and when we do, look out for some videos of us opening them up to read aloud to everyone 🙂

And just to give you all that Friday feeling, here is a great wee tune you can dance along to.

Can you copy the dancers cool moves?

More importantly ……. can your mum or dad?

Uploaded dance videos will be much appreciated for our GLOW posts while we wait for the surprises of your post to arrive 🙂

Some curricular areas covered

Literacy – early writing skills, drawing, fine motor development, ability to discuss past experiences and share news with peers, quality conversations and interaction with adults

Expressive Arts – design and creativity making cards, expressing selves through drawings/art/craft, moving rhythmically through music and dance

Health & Wellbeing – understanding of job roles (the postman), fresh air and a relaxing walk to the post box, express their feelings appropriately about who or what they may be missing throughout lockdown.



Thursday 28th January 2021

Following Rena’s post from yesterday about bedtime routines, I am going to talk about what happens before going to bed.

Before bedtime your mum or dad will give you a time and this is when you start to get ready for bed.

Once it gets to this time you will be asked to brush your teeth and put on your pyjamas.

When in bed your mum or dad might read you a nice relaxing story.

As a nice wee treat tonight I have recorded my own wee story for you all to enjoy – so at bedtime, sit back, relax and have a wee cuddle while you listen to one of my favourite stories.


In the morning as a wee extension, can you draw me a picture of your favourite animal from the story along with some twinkling stars and count how many stars you have in your picture.

Please send in any pictures to my email address :


Sweet dreams everyone 🙂


Curriculum areas covered:

Communication/Literacy: listening and asking questions, pencil control and mark making.

Numeracy: discussing the time on the clock, getting the child to recognise the number.

Health and Wellbeing: hygiene brushing teeth before bed.

Thursday 28th January 2021

Hi everyone,  I hope you have all enjoyed learning our Scottish poems and celebrating Robert Burns!  I really enjoyed seeing all your videos of your poems and loved hearing what you all thought the meaning of the Scottish words were.

The activity for today is “ask your child what their favourite Scottish word is”.  My favourite is  “Scullery”.  Please send their comments to my email address detailed below and I will choose what one I love the best and their might even be a small surprise.  I am looking forward to seeing all your comments.

Curricular area covered

Literacy – learning new vocabulary (Scottish words)


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