Community Practitioner

Here at Catrine ECC we are lucky enough to be part of not only a fabulous “in house team” but also of a fantastic wider support team.

Lauren Dawid is our Community Practitioner

She is on hand to help with any issues, questions or queries and can cover any of the following:-

  • Speech and language
  • Behaviour
  • Sleep
  • Potty training
  • Weaning / Fussy eating
  • Universal credit
  • Play
  • Routines
  • Emotional Support

Lauren works alongside families following COVID-19 guidelines.

Please click on Lauren’s poster below for more information. 




World Book Day 2021

Thursday 4th March is World Book Day


Here at Catrine ECC we love books so much that we need more than just one day to have fun with some of our favourite stories. We have therefore decided to celebrate World Book Day ALL next week 🙂

We are so excited.

As well as a very large range of experiences that have been planned for each day, Alana will be delivering Bookbug sessions throughout the week to everyone within the centre.


On THURSDAY 4th MARCH children can come to the centre dressed up as their favourite book character if they wish to do so – this is not compulsory.

Please note – unfortunately due to COVID-19 restrictions we cannot allow ANY PROPS this year that would accompany your child’s outfits. For example, Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz could not come with a basket/toy dog for Toto and Thor couldn’t come with his hammer.

Look out for further GLOW posts next week to see what stories the children have been exploring.


Online Registration

Registration is now LIVE for all East Ayrshire Early Learning and Childcare places for session 21/22 and will close on Friday 12th March.

  • Are looking to change your child’s centre, or
  • You wish to use a Blended Model with an EAC registered childminder in the new academic year.

Full details and information can be found in the link below.

Birth certificates are required for registration and only FULL certificates can be accepted for registration.


As always, if you require any help with this please do not hesitate to phone the centre on 01290 551233.

Friday – Our Last Post Box Video

As of Monday we will all be back in the ECC seeing all our friends and getting busy with fantastic learning opportunities.  We are all delighted to be getting back  to ‘normal’ next week and have been so grateful to everyone at home for their hard-work, participation and support over the past few weeks.  So this for now is our last post box video, we have loved hearing all your fabulous stories from home, seeing your creative pictures and lovely photographs, see you all on Monday

Thursday 18th February

Hi everyone!

Here is my challenge for you this week.
Can you design your own kite ?
As the weather is cold and windy just now I thought you would all enjoy going a walk and flying a kite.

You can use paper and create your own designs. Cut out your own shapes and decorate it. Then add some string.


Use a plastic bag – these can be decorated too.
With help from an adult tie the handles of the bag together and leave it long enough so you can fly it.

If you have a real kite I would love to see them too.

Go outdoors and run with your kite, it should fill with air and fly.

**children must be supervised at all times using the plastic bag **

Curriculum areas covered –

Expressive arts –  choose ways to create an image using a variety or materials.

Social studies –  Can you have a discussion about the different types of weather? Ask your child questions –
What do we need for the kite to fly?
What keeps the kite in the air?

Literacy – Can you use predictions skills and record what happens when flying your kite?
Did it work ? If not, what was stopping it?
Try this over a few days and hopefully you get a really windy day.

Any pictures can be sent to

ECC Update

After the First Minister’s statement yesterday we are delighted to be able to welcome back all of our children to Catrine ECC on Monday 22nd February 2021, with the exception of our March starts who will attend as planned on Monday 1st March.

From the 22nd February, we will be going forward with our new bubbles, as highlighted to all parent/carers in December.

A little reminder:-

The Magnificent Minibeasts Bubble consists of:-

Carrie’s Caterpillars

Sherrie’s Bumblebees and 

Rena’s Butterflies 

Drop off time – 8.35am on the rainbows, pick up time – 2.35pm (with the option to collect at 12.15pm after lunch if you choose to use only half days)

The Spectacular Sea Creatures consists of:-

Michelle’s Sharks 

Julie’s Jellyfish

Jan’s Dolphins and 

Leoni’s Starfish

Drop off time – 8.45am on the sunshines, pick up time – 2.45pm (with the option to collect at 12.20pm after lunch if you choose to use only half days)

We ask that you continue to support us in providing a safe provision for our children by observing current social distancing guidelines:

  • always wearing a face covering at both drop off and pick up times unless you are exempt for medical reasons
  • ensuring that you maintain a 2 metre distance between yourself and all other adults, including staff
  • carrying out handwashing and sanitising before and after ECC pick ups and drop offs.

We ask that only the very necessary items are brought into the setting and all toys and backpacks stay at home. Changes of clothes can be handed into the ECC in a throw away carrier bag, if you wish.

If you have any further questions in relation to your child’s return to the ECC please do not hesitate to phone 01290 551233 or email

In the meantime, staff have been busy setting up the playrooms ready for Monday and cannot wait to see you all again soon 🙂


Scottish Child Payment

Today sees the launch of the Scottish Child Payment – a new benefit from Social Security Scotland that is aimed at tackling child poverty in Scotland.

The new payment will see the equivalent of £10 per week being paid for every child under the age of 6 living in a low income household and receiving a qualifying benefit such as Universal Credit, Pension Credit or one of the legacy benefits (Child tax or working tax credits; income support, income based JSA or income related ESA). The new benefit will be rolled out to every child under 16 by the end of 2022 with payments being made on a 4 weekly basis.

Applications were accepted from November but despite this and a high profile campaign by Social Security Scotland, take up has been disappointing with less than 45% of eligible applications having been made. It is anticipated that there are still around 100,000 children in Scotland who are eligible for this payment but no claim has yet been made. That means a family with two qualifying children could be losing out on more than £1000 per year.

The payments are made 4 weekly and applications couldn’t be simpler. You can apply online at or by telephone on 0800 182 222.


Another busy week for Catrine

Well we have made it to Friday again! It has been another super week with lots of great learning experiences here on glow, thanks to all of the creative staff at the ECC.  We are delighted with the responses we have been getting from home, you have all been great and we really appreciate your efforts.  We love seeing all those wee smiley faces and really can’t wait to get you all back into the ECC again.  Have a look at the gallery below to see all the marvellous creations and activities that you and all your friends have been busy with this cold February week.  

Well done Harry you found some signs when you were out your walk and have made some excellent looking playdough.


Katie has been busy helping out on the farm with the cows and making her own snacks – Well done Achieving Apple Man will be super impressed.  You and Alison have spotted a road sign with a 20 on it when out your walk, fantastic.


Jack you have been so busy at home and out and about.


Wow Emily, a 50 piece puzzle, that is an amazing achievement!

And a number line all the way up to 15 with Libby – great work 🙂 



Theia has been outdoors enjoying the cold weather, looks like fun.


Cole has been having lots of fun at home and keeping everyone amused too.


April has been busy recognising signs and helping in the house by making her very own snack, well done.


Well done Ayla practicing your numeral formation.  Super job!


Abi your mark making of signs you could recognise are fantastic and a well done from Achieving Apple man on helping Mum in the kitchen.


Zak we cannot wait to meet you, what a smiley wee face!  I think you are smiling because you can’t wait to join us here at the ECC.


Logan your mark making is superb!

Logan your videos are fab! What super work!


I am feeling the love with these gorgeous hearts


Aaron has been really busy enjoying this cold weather!


Ellie’s super hand number line, well done Ellie!

So as you can see we are still learning and having so much fun from home, well done and thank you to everyone for participating.  I hope you all have a great wee holiday and make the most of it, we are almost there, good times are just around the corner

And on that note…….a little favourite in the ECC to get your weekend started.  Grown ups you will love me.

Congratulations – we did it!

As we finish the end of Week 5 of Home Learning, I would like all parents, carers, grans, papas, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and family members of our pupils to give themselves a well-deserved pat on the back for assisting our pupils and children with their home learning tasks.  We love seeing your photos and videos, and, as always, are impressed by your creativity and enthusiasm for helping your children to learn in these unusual times.

The biggest ‘well done’ needs to go to all of our children at both Catrine ECC and PS – they are coping so well, again, with huge changes to their learning and we are missing them all so much.

With an announcement due on Tuesday 16th February from the Scottish Government about the return details for ECC and Primary 1, Primary 2 and Primary 3 – please continue to check our GLOW blogs and APPS for updates.

Both the ECC and PS are on holiday on Monday 15th, with inservice days on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th so no online learning will be posted on these days.  Class teachers and ECC practitioners will post work on our GLOW blogs from Thursday 18th February.

Wishing all our families and the Catrine community a lovely February break.  As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch. 

Mrs Govans


Friday 12th February 2021

As it is a special day this Sunday called Valentine’s Day, I thought we could do fun activities. Below I have added a recipe for you all to try – some yummy chocolate strawberries. Why don’t you make them and give them to the one you love this Valentine’s Day?

Prep time: 10 minutes

cook time: 3 minutes

total time: 13 minutes



melted chocolate of your choice

some of your favourite Valentine’s sprinkles

Lets start by washing our hands. Now we will wash our strawberries. Cut your strawberries into a heart shape, remember to ask an adult for help. Dip your heart shaped strawberries into the melted chocolate and top with the sprinkles you have chosen. Enjoy! Can’t wait to see your pictures!

Valentine’s Day makes me think about the ones I love – I love my family very much and when I tell them, it makes them feel happy inside. Can you tell me who you love and why you love them? Why don’t you send me a picture with your answers like the one I’ve done below.


Curricular areas:

Health and well-being : encouraging hand washing, safety when using a sharp object. Speaking about our feelings

Maths: counting out the strawberries we have and discussing how long the treats will take to be ready.

Literacy: using descriptive language to talk about the textures of the strawberries and the chocolate.

Thursday 11th February

For today’s activity I thought I would show you two experiments that you could try at home.

The first experiment is a great way to show children the importance of washing their hands. Recently we have been encouraging children to wash their hands more often because of Coronavirus. This experiment will show them what happens to bad germs when they wash their hands.

Here is a short video about germs:

Stop Germs from Spreading: Wash Your Hands | Cincinnati Children’s – YouTube

This experiment demonstrates the cleaning power of soap and will help you to explain why it’s so important to use soap when washing our hands.  The children get to chase away the “bad germs” in their own little bowl.

Before you start, put some pepper onto a plate and ask your child to dip their finger into the pepper and see what happens. The pepper should stick to the child’s finger – explain that in this experiment we will pretend that the pepper represents germs.  (You can wipe the pepper off their finger after showing them that it has stuck to their finger just the same as germs do)

What you need:

  • Water
  • A bowl
  • Pepper
  • Toothpicks
  • Soap/washing up liquid

Step 1 : Pour some water into a bowl (a few centimetres deep).

Step 2 : Ask your child to shake some pepper into the bowl of water. Explain to your child that the pepper represents germs.

Step 3 : Dip your child’s finger into the soap/washing up liquid or dip a toothpick into the soap/washing up liquid instead if they don’t want to use their finger.

Step 4: Then get them to dip their finger or toothpick with the soap on it into the middle of the bowl (that has water and pepper in it) and the “germs” (the pepper) will disperse! It’s magic!

Ask them what has happened ? Ask them why they think that this has happened ?

Discuss and reinforce when we should wash our hands:

  • Before a meal or snack
  • After playing outside
  • After being at a playground or busy area
  • Before cooking or preparing a meal
  • After using the bathroom
  • After touching animals
  • After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose

Encourage your child to count to 20 while washing their hands. (You could count to 10 twice or count to 5 four times to suit different abilities)

The second experiment is another fun way to use soap. 

What you will need: 

  • A bar of ivory soap (must be ivory)
  • A bowl
  • A microwave

Before you begin, you can let your child examine the bar of soap. Encourage them to use descriptive words as they hold it, feel it and smell it. Encourage them to describe the weight/size of the soap.

Step 1 : Unwrap your bar of soap and place it on a microwaveable plate.

Step 2 : Put your plate of soap in the microwave.

Ask your child what they think might happen to the soap?

Step 3 : Heat for 1-2 minutes. (You can’t really overcook your Ivory, but it will eventually reach a point where it stops expanding). While it cooks encourage your child to watch what is happening to the soap. Ask them why they think this is happening?

The microwave is putting a high volume of air into the ivory soap which makes it rapidly expand into a huge, fluffy cloud.

When your microwave stops get an adult to remove the soap from the microwave.

Caution!  The plate and the soap will be hot for a minute or so after being removed from the microwave.  Please give the soap a few minutes to cool before letting your children handle it.

Allow your child to explore the soap now it’s been cooked. Encourage them to use descriptive words to compare the texture, smell and look of the soap to before it went into the microwave.  Also encourage them to compare the weight/size of the soap now it has been in the  microwave.

Curricular areas covered: 

Health and well being – learning about germs and the importance of washing our hands. To reinforce safety when items are hot. 

Science – experimenting with water , experimenting with heat to create the expansion of soap. 

Maths – counting while washing their hands. Comparing the weights/size of the soap before and after it has been in the microwave. Predicting what will happen to the soap. 

Literacy – descriptive words to describe the texture, look and smell of the soap and what happens to the soap.

I hope you have fun trying these experiments and remember to send any photos to my email address.

Continue reading “Thursday 11th February”

Wednesday 10th February

Recognising signs – Environmental print

In the ECC the children are encouraged to learn about the environmental print surrounding them, not only in the centre, but out in their community and surrounding them wherever they may go.  We encourage the children to recognise and ‘read’ environmental print as it is an important step in early literacy skills.    When children start to respond to environmental print they are beginning to recognise the relationship between words and visual representation.  

Here is a short video for the grown ups to show how we promote environmental print in the ECC and suggest ways that you could possibly introduce learning opportunities at home.

So, at the weekend, I was very busy and when out and about I searched for any environmental print that I could find.  I would like for everyone to watch the videos, possibly have a pen and paper at the ready and write down your answers, (children could mark make and draw their ideas too), as to what environmental print they recognise or what they think it may mean.  I am also looking for the children to comment on shape and colour as well as the pictures, words, letters and numbers.  You may need to pause the video throughout to give time to discuss your answers.  Hope you have fun!

Going for my shopping

Going for a walk


I hope you all managed to recognise some of these signs.  So why not have a go yourselves?  You could go for a walk and see what signs you see or go to the supermarket, even look in your home or in catalogues.  I would love to see what you find and for you to share it with me.  It doesn’t need to be videos – it could be photographs, pictures you have drawn or even print you have found and cut from magazines.  However you decide to explore environmental print, have fun and remember to have lots of discussion – what the children understand and recognise will depend on their age and stage but it is a great learning opportunity especially whilst out a walk or doing a shop.  

Achieving Apple would also like to set you one challenge for the week. Could you learn one thing to be helpful in the house?  Could you possibly learn one task such as;  how to make your bed, tidy your own toys away, load the washing machine or make your own sandwich?  I am sure the grown ups could find plenty for you to do and Achieving Apple man would be so proud as well as all the staff here at Catrine ECC, so get busy helping

Send your photographs, answers and pictures to me at;

Curricular areas covered;

Maths and Numeracy;  Exploring numbers 0-10, 0-20, numeral recognition, recognising colour and shape

Social Studies;  Explore and recognise features of local environment

Expressive arts;  I can create a range of visual information, recognise colour, line and shape

Communication and literacy;  I can tell the difference between letter/word/numeral/picture, identify initial sounds, explore a variety of environmental print, I can find out more by asking questions, mark-make and relate personal experience to my information and ideas



Good morning to you all, welcome back for Concept Cat’s session 2. This week we have a brand new word to learn and Concept Cat has set us some new exciting challenges to complete based on this new word. Click on the video below to watch it and to find Concept Cat’s word of the week. Press to view in full screen😊.


  • can you go and find toys in your house and line them up like doggy, teddy and concept cat and see who is first, second and last?🤷‍♂️
  • can you think of a time you have been first and tell us a short story about it? This can be in the form of a video, written down, drawing or photograph. 🤳

Remember to send in all your hard work that you have completed for Concept Cat!

Curricular areas covered:-

Literacy- listen to a story, recalling story through own experiences, learning new words by listening for useful information, uses new vocabulary within various situations, joins in with rhymes, making own story up through experiences and props, use of mark making

Numeracy- use of mathematical language, collects and organises objects for a specific purpose

Health and Wellbeing– expressing yourself through various ways

Expressive Arts– takes on a role within a real situation to reinact a story, creating own story through using props, participating within nursery rhymes

Technology– using technology to film a video/ take pictures

As it is a holiday next week, Concept Cat will be enjoying a break so he will see you all again on 23rd February for a brand new word! Have a great week everyone, hope to see you all soon❤

Tuesday 9th February

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner ….. It’s time to share some LOVE!!! 

We all did an amazing job of thanking the NHS and keyworkers with rainbows on our windows.

It is time to share some love within our communities. #Sharethelovecatrineecc

  • Can you design your own love heart and display it on your window?
  • Talk about –  what you think love means, who you love, where you love to go and  what you love to do the most.
  • While out your daily walk can you count how many #Sharethelovecatrineecc hearts you see?

We would LOVE to see a photo of you at your window with your heart 🙂 Please send all photos to –

Here is another fun numeracy idea for counting, matching and recognising numbers.

  • You can use any coloured paper to create your heart template (two sets)
  •  Just like dominoes, you can use dots or hearts for the quantity on one set of hearts.
  • Then on the other set write the numbers for your child to count & match.

WORKOUT TIME ….. QUICK, Grab a grown up!!!

Curricular Areas

Expressive artsI have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials.
EXA 0-02a

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design.
EXA 0-05a / EXA 1-05a / EXA 2-05a

NumeracyI have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a

Health & well-being – I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in different kinds of energetic play, both outdoors and indoors.
HWB 0-25a




It’s that time again ……..

………. it’s FRIDAY 🙂 

Another super busy week. Scroll down and have a wee peek.

Lukas followed the instructions in a big book of science experiments to make his very own volcano. He used vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to create lava and watched as it erupted. Does everyone reading this know what the word erupted means?


Lottie has been busy with her big brother’s school work this week. She also had great fun adding in lovely sparkly glitter to her play dough pack 🙂


Emily has also been working hard on both ECC tasks and sibling school work:)


When friends are reunited 🙂 ♥ ♥ ♥


Katie made a super duper den to hid in this week – this was my favourite thing to do was I was your age Katie 🙂


Charlotte’s mum was mega proud of her fantastic writing this week – well done Charlotte – great job 🙂


Wow Abi ! Your cakes look good enough to eat and your names are amazing !


Katie was pretending to be on top of her horse called Spirit. Great movement Katie and super positional language 🙂


Theia’s first ever poem, age 3 🙂 A big well done Theia 🙂


The giggles in this video made me smile – we are glad our wee Pick up Pick of play dough ingredients brought you so much joy (and by the looks of things your mum so much mess – haha 🙂 Great job Louie.


CONCEPT CAT – Leoni was delighted to receive these pictures from Katie and Ayla. Both girls did well to explore lots of things about the word “small”. I wonder what word Concept Cat will want us all to investigate next week 🙂


Great literacy skills Harry – super smart skills 🙂


Initial sound hunt – elephant, eight, egg, envelope and of course ELLIE 🙂


Ayla found something beginning with A, Alexa.

Great initial sound idea Ayla, we love the Alexa in our house too 🙂

A for Ayla and A for Alexa


And the award for having the bravest parents goes to Quinn 🙂 FANTASTIC!


Thanks again for another great week everyone. Your communication and responses to blogs and questionnaires have been greatly appreciated this week. 

Have a super weekend everyone and we will see you all back again next week




Friday 5th February

This week I have a fun painting activity for you all to try at home. I would recommend trying this one outside or putting an old sheet down that you don’t need anymore to catch the excess paint. (It could get messy 😂)This painting activity is called pendulum painting and it explores gravity.

Use technology to research some facts about gravity – you could draw a picture, record you telling me some facts or ask an adult to write the facts you find out about gravity. Here is a video that tells us all about gravity:

Gravity | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn Videos For Kids – YouTube

Gravity is the reason objects come back down when you throw them into the air or drop them from a height. Without gravity everything would float, like in space.

In this activity gravity is pulling the paint down to the ground which is shown when you watch the direction of the paint falling from the bottle/cup or running down the paper.

You will need: paint, paper/an old white sheet, a plastic bottle/cup, string, paint brush, scissors, sellotape, a branch on a tree or a washing rope outside.

Step 1:  Pierce a few holes in the bottom of your plastic bottle or cup.

Step 2: Attach the string to the top of the bottle/cup (wrap the string around a few times then tie or sellotape it in place) to ensure the bottle/cup does not fall to the ground when you then attach the other end of the string to a branch or washing rope outside. You might need an adult to help you tie the string if sellotape is not strong enough.

If you are doing this activity inside, then you could use 2 chairs with a brush connecting them to allow a pendulum to be created or use anything that can create the effect of a swing – in the video they use 2 cereal boxes and a kitchen roll tube.

Pendulum Painting With Kids – Bing video

Step 3: Place your paper or whatever you choose to paint on under the bottle/cup (if outside you might need to put stones on the corners of the paper to hold it in place) and fill the bottle/cup with paint. You may need to add some water to your paint.

Step 4: Watch what happens to the paint, you can gently swing/push the bottle/cup to move the paint all over your paper to create a lovely piece of art.

You can also do this activity indoors using only paint, paint brush, water and paper.

Add some water to your paint to ensure it is runny. Hold your paper up so it is not lying flat on a surface. Dip your paint brush into the paint then tap your brush on the top of your paper and watch what happens to the paint. You could also try turning your paper in different directions while the paint runs down to see what happens.

While doing this activity in whatever way you choose, encourage your child to use their problem solving skills.

Why is the paint falling to the ground/running down the paper? Reinforce the word GRAVITY and the facts you have found out about gravity.

Ask them what they could tie the bottle/cup to? Talk about the height of the item you tie it to. Ask them, before you try it, what they think might happen if you tie it up higher or lower?

Talk about the different directions they can move the paint in and how they will move the paint in the direction they choose. Encourage words such as pull, push, up, down, forwards or backwards.

If you use more than one colour the paints might mix so encourage your child to try and predict what colour they might make when 2 colours mix together.

Curricular areas covered:

Science – exploring gravity, Technology – searching for facts about gravity and recording the facts they find. Engineering – by creating their pendulum, Maths – discussing height and direction of pendulum. Using problem solving skills and prediction skills when exploring colour mixing. Literacy – discussing ideas, introducing new words, mark making pictures of their facts.

I hope you have fun exploring this painting activity and remember to send in any photos/videos of your hard work. Enjoy!

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