Tag Archives: homework

Revision Music

So apparently games soundtracks are really good when revising or working. The idea is that the music doesn’t distract you as there is no words but the way in which the pieces have been composed keep you focused – after all tehy are designed to stimulate your mind and keep you focused on playing the game. 






and especially for National 5;


Practice Essay Questions (INT 2 and NATIONAL 5)

Here are the critical essay questions taken from the Intermediate 2 past papers from the last few years. This will hopefully make essay practice a little bit easier as they are all collected in one place.

Remember: when writing your introduction identify all the parts of the question where you can put in your own information about your chosen text. i.e. a question reading

Choose a scene or sequence from a film or TV drama which provides a climax to the action. Briefly describe the events leading up to the climax, and then explain how the techniques used by the film or programme makers create a heightened sense of importance in this scene or sequence.

would become

Constantine directed by Francis Lawrence has a climatic sequence in which the lead character, Constantine, chooses to sacrifice himself in order to save the heroine, Angela. Prior to this Constantine had been attempting to reset the balance between good and evil on earth.  Lawrence has used various techniques in this climatic scene to create a heightened sense of the importance of Constantine’s actions at this point.

Remember: for your main paragraphs it is important to structure your essay properly. Try and stick to the PEEL system. In the first sentence state your main point or supporting argument. In the next sentence support this with some evidence from the text. Explain this evidence to the reader by making clear exactly how your evidence supports the point you have just made. Finally, link this back to the main argument.


1. Choose a poem which could be considered as having a powerful message. Show how the poet effectively conveys this message through his or her use of poetic techniques.

2. Choose a poem in which the poet creates a particular mood or atmosphere. Show how the poet creates this mood or atmosphere by his or her choice of subject matter and use of poetic techniques.

3. Choose a poem which portrays an interesting character. Show how the poet uses poetic techniques to make the character interesting.

4. Choose a poem which deals with an important issue such as war, crime, poverty or racism. Explain how the poet deepens your understanding of the issue by the choice of content and the skilful use of poetic techniques.

5. Choose a poem which describes an animal or a place or an event in an effective way. Briefly state what is being described and go on to show how the techniques used in the poem make the description effective.

6. Choose a poem written in a specific form such as ballad, sonnet, elegy, monologue, ode . . . Explain how the distinctive features of this form contribute to your appreciation of the text.

7. Choose a poem which describes a person’s experience. Explain how the poetic techniques used to describe the experience make the poem more interesting.

8. Choose a poem which arouses strong emotion in you. Describe how you feel about the poem, and explain how the poet leads you to feel this way.

9. Choose a poem in which the poet creates a particular mood or atmosphere. Show how the poet creates this mood or atmosphere by his or her choice of subject matter and use of poetic techniques.

10. Choose a poem which describes a place or an incident. Briefly state where or what is being described, and go on to explain how the techniques used in the poem make the description memorable.

11.Choose a poem which takes a particular form, such as sonnet, ode, ballad, elegy, monologue … Explain how the distinctive features of this form contribute to your appreciation of the poem.

12. Choose a poem which has an ending which you found surprising or interesting or satisfying or inspiring. Consider the whole poem, and by reference to the poet’s use of content and poetic techniques explain why you think the ending is particularly effective.


1. Choose a film or TV drama* which deals with issues which mainly affect young people. Explain how the film or TV drama* deals with such issues, stating whether or not you find the portrayal of these issues realistic.

2. Choose a scene or sequence from a film which provides a climax to the action. Briefly describe the events leading up to the climax, and then explain how the techniques used by the film makers create a heightened sense of importance in this scene or sequence.

3.  Choose a film which you think is typical of its genre, for example: action, romance, comedy, horror . . . Explain how the film makers have used the features of the genre to create a successful film.

4. Choose a film or TV drama* which has a character who could be described as a hero or as a villain. Explain how the character is introduced and then developed throughout the film.

5. Choose a film or TV drama* in which setting is an important feature. Explain how the setting is established and go on to show how the setting contributes to the effectiveness of the film or TV drama as a whole.

6. Choose a scene or sequence from a film or TV drama* in which an atmosphere of mystery, or horror, or suspense is created. Describe what happens in the scene or sequence, explaining how the techniques used by the film or programme makers create this atmosphere.

7. Choose a film or TV drama* in which the main character is an individual for whom we feel sympathy. Show how media techniques are used to portray the character in such a way that we feel sympathy.

8. Choose a scene or sequence from a film or TV drama* which is particularly dramatic. Describe what happens in the scene or sequence, explaining how the film or programme makers effectively use techniques to create drama.

9. Choose a film or TV drama* in which there is a character who poses a threat to the main character. Show how media techniques are used to portray the character in such a way that the audience reacts against him/her and sees the threat which he/she poses.

10.Choose a film or TV drama* where conflict between characters is central to the plot. Explain the reasons for the conflict and show how media techniques intensify audience involvement at particular scenes.

11. Choose a film which is an example of a specific genre such as horror, romance, action or comedy. Explain how the film makers have used the features of the genre to create a successful film.

12. Choose a film or TV drama* which highlights a particular moral or political or social or environmental issue. Identify the issue and show how media techniques are used to persuade us to adopt a particular view or to explore the issue more fully.


1. Choose a novel which gives you an insight into an aspect of human nature or behaviour. State what the aspect is, and show how the characters’ actions and relationships lead you to a deeper understanding of human nature or behaviour.

2. Choose a novel with an ending which you find satisfactory. By looking at the novel or short story as a whole, explain why you find the ending satisfactory in bringing to a conclusion the main concerns of the text.

3. Choose a prose work in which setting is an important feature. Explain how the writer creates the setting, and then go on to show how this feature contributes to your understanding of the text as a whole.

4. Choose a novel in which you feel there is an incident of great importance to the story as a whole. Describe the incident and go on to show its importance to the development of the characters and the central concerns of the text.

5. Choose a novel which has a character who affects you emotionally. Describe how you feel about the character, and show how the writer leads you to feel this way.

6. Choose a prose work in which the writer uses a memorable style/voice/narrative technique. Explain in detail how features of the writing style/voice/narrative technique contribute to the effectiveness of the text.

7. Choose a novel where there is an incident which is a turning point crucial to the fate of the main character. Briefly describe what happens at this point and go on to explain why this is crucial to the fate of a main character.

8. Choose a novel in which setting in place and/or time is an important feature. Briefly describe the setting(s) and explain the importance of this feature to the story.

9. Choose a novel or a short story or a non-fiction text or group of texts which deals with an important human issue (such as the abuse of power, conflict between good and evil, loss of freedom or hatred between individuals or groups). Show how the author reveals the issue through the portrayal of people and events throughout the text, and show how your understanding of the issue has deepened.

10. Choose a novel in which there is conflict between two characters. Examine the nature of the conflict and explain to what extent it is resolved.

11. Choose a novel with a message which is still relevant today. Show how the author’s portrayal of events and character(s) highlight the author’s message.

12. Choose a novel which made a strong impact on you. Explain how the writer’s use of language creates this impact.

Level 5 Homework 2

Sea Bathing – Victorian Style from A History of EverydayThings by M Quennell (adapted from Secondary Certificate English textbook).

Sea bathing in Victorian times, was not quite the light-hearted amusement that it is today. There was no running down from the hotel to beach in a bath robe, no sunbathing, or lying about on the sands in bathing-dresses after the dip. Everything had to be done in an orderly and extremely decorous manner. Mixed bathing was not allowed anywhere. Men and women each had their separate part of the beach, and they were not supposed to meet in the water.

Bathing clothes were also carefully regulated. Men usually wore simple bathing-drawers and no more, but women were obliged to wear thick, cumbersome serge garments that covered them completely from head to foot. These satisfied the demands of modesty, but they must have been extremely uncomfortable for swimming.

Even thus decently covered, women were not supposed to show themselves on the beach whilst in bathing-attire. They had to wait their turn for the bathing-machine, a sort of wooden cabin on wheels which was drawn right down to the water’s edge by horses. On its seaward side a sort of hood or canopy projected outwards and downwards over the water, completely screening the bather until she was actually in the sea. There was a bathing-woman in attendance, part of whose duty was to dip – in other words, to seize the bather as soon as she emerged and dip her forcibly under water two or three times. This was supposed to be for the benefit of her health, and no doubt it was all right in the hands of the gentle. But most bathing-women were the reverse of gentle, and to be dipped by them must have been a decidedly strenuous form of exercise.

In course of time, however, those ideas changed. The hood disappeared when it was no longer thought shocking for a girl to be seen on the steps pf the machine in bathing-dress. Then towards the end of the century some daring individual conceived the idea of using small coloured tents which could easily be set up and taken down, and which also did away with wearisome waits because they were not hired but were the property of the user.

1. Briefly explain the meaning of each of the following: decorous manner, carefully regulated, cumbersome serge garment, demands of modesty (4)

2. What peril awaited the Victorian bathing ‘belle’ when she stepped from her bathing machine into the sea? (2)

3. What was the main reason for having bathing-machines on Victorian beaches? (1)

4. Briefly list five reasons which must have made bathing unpleasant for women (5)

5. What do the phrases ‘decently covered’ and ‘daring individual’ suggest to you about the writer’s attitude to what they are describing? (3)

6. What was the principal drawback of bathing-machines? (1)

7. What do you learn about the Victorians in this passage? (4)

Total: (20)

Level 5 Homework 4

(taken from victoriana.com)

Mr Winkle Prepares for Skating from The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens (adapted from Secondary Certificate English textbook)

Old Wardle led the way to a pretty large sheet of ice and the fat boy and Mr Weller, having shovelled and swept away the snow which had fallen on it during the night, Mr Bob Sawyer adjusted his skates with a dexterity which to Mr Winkle was perfectly marvellous, and described circles with his left leg and cut figures of eight, and inscribed upon the ice, without once stopping for breath, a great many other pleasant and astonishing devices, to the excessive satisfaction of Mr Pickwick, Mr Tupman and the ladies…

All this time, Mr Winkle, with his face and hands blue with cold, had been forcing a gimlet into the soles of his feet, and putting his skates on, with the points behind, and getting the straps into a very complicated and entangled state, with the assistance of Mr Snodgrass, who knew rather less about skate than a Hindoo. At length, however, with the assistance of Mr Weller, the unfortunate skates were firmly screwed and buckled on, and Mr Winkle was raised to his feet.

“Now then, Sir,” said Sam, in an encouraging tone; “off with you, and show ‘em how to do it.”

“Stop, Sam, stop!” said Mr Winkle, trembling violently, and clutching hold of Sam’s arms with the grasp of a drowning man. “How slippery it is, Sam!”

“Not an uncommon thing on the ice, sir,” replied Mr Weller. “Hold up, sir!”

This last observation of Mr Weller’s bore reference to a demonstration Mr Winkle made at the instant, of a frantic desire to throw his feet in the air, and dash the back of head on the ice…

“Now, Winkle,” cried Mr Pickwick, quite unconscious that there was anything the matter. “Come; the ladies are all anxiety.”

“Yes, yes,” replied Mr Winkle, with a ghastly smile. “I’m coming.”

1. Give a word or short phrase that could be used her in place of each of the following: dexterity, inscribed, devices, observation, unconscious (5)

2. Explain why Mr Snodgrass’s knowledge of skates should be compared with that of a Hindoo. (1)

3. Give a word or phrase explaining the force of the adjective in each of the following: Excessive satisfaction, unfortunate skates, ghastly smile (3)

4. What technique is being used in the “clutching hold of Sam with the grasp of a drowning man” and how is it effective? (3)

5. Explain briefly what Mr Pickwick meant when he said “the ladies are all anxiety”. (1)

6. Why might you find Mr Winkle’s preparations for skating humorous? (2)

Total: (15)

Level 5 Homework 3

Sherlock Holmes Visits the Scene of the Crime from A Study in Scarlet by A. C. Doyle (adapted from Secondary Certificate English textbook).

Number 3, Lauriston Gardens, wore an ill-omened look. It was one of four which stood back some little way from the street, two being occupied and two empty. The latter looked out with three tiers of vacant melancholy windows, which were blank and dreary, save that her and there a ‘To Let’ card had developed into a cataract upon the bleared panes. A small garden sprinkled over with a scattered eruption of sickly plants separated each of theses houses from the street, and was traversed by a narrow pathway, yellowish in colour, and consisting apparently of a mixture of clay and gravel. The whole place was very sloppy from the rain which had fallen through the night. The garden was bounded by a three-foot brick wall with a fringe of wood rails upon the top, and against this wall was leaning a stalwart police-constable, surrounded by a small knot of loafers, who craned their necks and strained their eyes in the vain hope of catching some glimpse of the proceedings within.
I had imagined that Sherlock Holmes would at once have hurried into the house and plunged into a study of the mystery. Nothing appeared to be further from his intention. With an air of nonchalance which, under the circumstances, seemed to border upon affectation, he lounged up and down the pavement, and gazed vacantly at the ground, the sky, the opposite houses and the line of the railings. Having finished his scrutiny, he proceeded slowly down the path, or rather down the fringe of grass which flanked the path, keeping his eyes riveted upon the ground. Twice he stopped, and once I saw him smile, and heard him utter an exclamation of satisfaction. There were many marks of footsteps upon the wet, clayed soil, but since the police had been coming and going over it, I was unable to see how my companion could hope to learn anything from it. Still I had had such extraordinary evidence of the quickness of his perceptive faculties, that I had no doubt that he could see a great deal which was hidden from me.

1. Briefly explain the following phrases: refer especially to the adjectives used: an ill-omened look, melancholy windows, bleared panes, a stalwart Police-constable, the vain hope. (5)

2. How does the writer’s word-choice convey an impression of wretchedness and drabness in his first paragraph? (4)

3. Explain the meaning in each of the following:
“an air of nonchalance which, under the circumstances, seemed to me to border upon affectation”
“I had had such extraordinary evidence of the quickness of his perceptive faculties” (4)

4. Give a word or short phrase that might be used in place of the following: eruption, craned, lounged, vacantly, scrutiny. (7)

5. Dr Watson is narrating here. What sort of a man do you imagine him to be judging from the way he speaks and using evidence from the text. (4)


Level 5 Homework 1

The Big Feet of Eggbert, the Screamer Bird from The Drunken Forest by Gerald Durrell

Eggbert’s feet were the bane of his life. There was so much of them, and they would get tangled together when he walked. Then there was the danger that he would tread on his own toes and fall down and make an exhibition of himself, as he had done on the first day. So he kept a very close watch on his feet for any signs of insubordination. He would sometimes stand for as long as ten minutes with bent head, gravely staring at his toes as they wiggled gently in the grass, spread out like the arms of a starfish. Eggbert’s whole desire, obviously, was to be disassociated from these outsize feet. He felt irritated by them. Without them, he was sure, he could gambol about the lawn with the airy grace of a dried thistle head. Occasionally, having watched his feet for some time, he would decide that he had lulled them into a sense of false security. Then, when they least suspected it, he would launch his body forward in an effort to speed across the lawn and leave these hateful extremities behind. But although he tried this trick many times, it never succeeded. The feet were always too quick for him, and as soon as he moved they would deliberately and maliciously twist themselves into a knot, and Eggbert would fall head first into the daisies.
His feet were continually letting him down, in more ways than one. Eggbert had a deep ambition to capture a butterfly. Why this was we could not find out, for Eggbert could not tell us. All we knew was that screamers were supposed to be entirely vegetarian, but whenever a butterfly hovered within six feet of Eggbert his whole being seemed to be filled with blood-lust, his eyes would take on a fanatical and most un-vegetarian gleam, and he would endeavour to stalk it. However, in order to stalk a butterfly with any hope of success one has to keep one’s eyes firmly fixed on it. This Eggbert knew, but the trouble was that as soon as he watched the butterfly with quivering concentration, his feet, left to their own devices, would start to play up, treading on each other’s toes, crossing over each other, and sometimes even trying to walk in the wrong directions. As soon as Eggbert dragged his eyes away from his quarry, his feet would start to behave, but by the time he looked back again the butterfly would have disappeared.

1. Give a word or short phrase that means the same as the following: bane, insubordination, disassociated, maliciously and blood-lust. (5)

2. Explain each of the following phrases: these hateful extremities, with quivering concentration, left to their own devices. (3)

3. What is meant by the words “he had lulled them into a false sense of security”? (1)

4. Comment on the effectiveness of the words, “ the airy grace of a dried thistle-head”? (1)

5. How does the writer convince us that Eggbert feels his feet don’t really belong to him? (2)

6. Briefly explain the phrase “make an exhibition of himself”. (1)

7. Explain the meaning of “his eyes would take on a fanatical…gleam” (1)

8. What do we learn about the writer Gerald Durrell in this piece of writing? (1)
