RUAE: The Triggering

1. The purpose of this article is to inform us about the Triggering – a social media movement to reveal the truth to social justice warriors and people on the extreme left politically.

2. We know this because in the second paragraph it talks about how SJWs block off people whose opinions differ to theirs – use of mass block lists’. Also in the second paragraph it talks about ‘politically incorrect home truths’ which means that sometimes the facts aren’t always necessarily in line with the PC ideas on racism, sexism or ageism.

3&4. The target audience would be other adults who agree with the Triggering. We know this because the writer’s tone throughout appeals to these people with humour. He calls the social justice warriors ‘precious snowflakes’ which makes them seem weak and pathetic. He also calls the Triggering ‘hilarious’ which shows he finds the movement really funny as it antagonises leftist people.

5. The writer’s word choice of ‘cry baby’ is effective in par 1 as it suggests that the SJWs moan all the time. The word has connotations of taking an extreme upset reaction to very small things that shouldn’t really affect us.

6. The metaphor of ‘echo chamber’ to describe social media is very effective. All the different types of social media are the echo chamber and all the different posts become the echoes. Social media takes a point and ends up amplifying it as it gets retweeted just like an echo bouncing.

7. ‘Precious snowflake’ is an effective descriptor of the SJWs. The writer uses this ironically. The ‘snowflake’ suggests these people are delicate and the precious suggests they are worth looking after. Because his tone is ironic we know that he actually means that these people need to become more resilient.

8. The dash adds information about the SJWs not having their ideas confronted. The writer says this is a good thing as if they knew someone was challenging their thoughts then they would sue or seek psychiatric help.

9. The word ‘merely’ suggests that the ‘we hunted the Mammoth’ website is trying to downplay the importance of the Triggering by making it seem small and unworthy.

10. The writer clearly supports the Triggering and thinks it’s a good thing. He says it is a good way to ‘reassert the right to broadcast’ which shows he thinks taking back freedom of speech is a good thing. He also calls Lauren Southern a ‘libertarian activist’. If he didn’t support her ideas he would probably have insulted her, instead he supports her for starting the Triggering.

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