The Kite Runner – student example essay

Here is a student example of an essay at Higher level. You will have to excuse the spelling and punctuation errors, there hasn’t been time yet to correct them!

Choose a novel in which has one of the following as its theme; sacrifice, unrequired love; isolation. Discuss the techniques by which the novelist establishes one of these themes and go on to show how, in the end, he or she achieves a satisfactory resolution.

The Kiterunner by Hosseini Khald is a novel in which has a theme of sacrifice; Hassan sacralises himself for Amir. This essay will discuss techniques by which the novelist establishes the theme of sacrifice and will go on to show how in the end Amir achieves a satisfactory resolution by rescuing Hassan’s son from an orphanage in Kabul.
A scene within the book shows the theme of sacrifice is just after the win of the Kite Tournament for Hassan and Amir, Hassan goes to find the kite which was run off and Amir goes off to find him once he has been away for a long time. Amir finds him cornered by Assef whom is demanding the kite however, Hassan refuses. “It’s only going to cost you that blue kite” Assef states, however, Hassan still refuses to give up the kite. Amir stays hidden as he is scared to interfere. This results in the rape of Hassan by Assef due to Hassan refusing to give up the kite, showing his love for Amir as Amir values the kite due to the winning of the Kite Tournament with it. This scene shows a theme of sacrifice as Hassan has sacrificed himself for the Kite to keep Amir happy.
After the rape, Amir frames Hassan for the stealing of his birthday money and his brand new watch that Baba bought for Amir. The reason Amir does this is because he can barely stand to be around Hassan due to his guilt overcoming him for not stepping in and interfering with the rape. “Baba ‘did you steal that money? Did you steal Amir’s watch Hassan?” and “Hassan’s reply was a single word, delivered with a thin raspy voice ‘Yes’. Amir was token back with Hassan’s reply as Amir knew he was the one who planted the watch in Hassan’s possession. Amir realized that this was Hassan’s last sacrifice for him, as if Hassan had said no, Baba would have believed him and put the blame on Hassan. This shows that Hassan has sacrificed himself for Amir again and Amir has only thrown it back in face.
When Amir goes to Afghanistan to save Sorhab from the orphanage, Amir find’s out that Assef is actually the one who is keeping Sorhab hostage. When Amir attempts to take Sorhab away from Assef, it results in a fight between them both. Here an incidence of sacrifice is shown as Assef has Amir on the ground beating into him, when Sorhab sacrifices himself by aiming Hassan’s sling shot at Assef’s face causing Assef to stop beating Amir, giving a flashback of when Assef and his bullies confronted Amir and Hassan as children. “The slingshot made a twiiiiiit sound when Sorhab realised the cup, then Assef was screaming”. This shows us that Sorhab has put his life in danger by piping up when Assef was beating Amir to save Amir’s life by using the sling shot. This conveys the theme of sacrifice as Sorhab has sacrificed himself to save Amir from Assef.
The next incidence is when Amir is confronted by Assef at the Taliban headquarters, at this point we see Amir redeem himself by finally standing up to Assef and putting him in his place by taking Sorhab home, in a way this is Amir finally standing up for Hassan as he is now saving his son for when Amir refused to save Hassan during the rape. Amir sacrafises himself by putting himself in a position where he could get killed to save Sorhab. However, this quote states that he has finally redeemed himself “My body was broken – just how badly I wouldn’t find out until later – but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed”, this shows us that after Assef beat Amir, he has sacrificed himself and by doing so he saved Sorhab and finally stood up for Hassan.
In conclusion Hassan sacrificed himself for Amir many times; he refused to give up the kite to Assef as he knew Amir would have been devastated which in turn lead to the rape of Hassan, which is sacrificing himself for Amir. Hassan sacrifices himself again when Amir frames him for stealing his new watch, in which Hassan agrees to have stolen. Amir also sacrificed himself to save Sorhab from the Taliban and to take him back to America. This shows that throughout this tale, Amir and Hassan have both sacrificed themselves at one point to benefit each other in return.

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