Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Nutritionist Visit


Today P3,4 and 5 got a visit this afternoon from a nutritionist who came to speak to the children about different types of fruit and vegetables! They started the afternoon with flashcards to see how many obscure and common veggies and fruits that the pupils knew already! These ranged from courgettes to okras! 🍉🍓🍊🥝🥥🥭

After this pupils got dressed up in their chef gear and prepped to chop and try a wide variety of fruit! For example, there was dragon fruit, pineapples and papayas! They learned about how to clean up properly and prep before handling food – it was a great afternoon! 👨🏻‍🍳

-Co-written by Fallon (P5) 

Meta Skills

Curiosity Carlos 

Collaborating Cora 


Article 24 – Health, Water. Food & Environment 

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