Category Archives: Latest News at Sheuchan

Last Afternoon

We had a fabulous afternoon for our last day of term. We sung, danced and presented gifts to all those who are moving on: P7, Mrs Hall, Mrs Reynolds, Miss Hoad, Mrs Waterson and Mrs Fitzgerald. We wish them all luck.

Corsewall were delighted to receive the Sports and House Trophies for 2018/2019. Well done!

We wish you all a fabulous summer holiday and see you all in Aug 2019.

Mrs Fitzgerald Leaving Assembly

After 25 years of service at Sheuchan Primary we sadly said goodbye to Mrs Fitzgerald, our Nursery Nurse this afternoon. P7 repeated their songs to entertain us and the staff ‘prepared’ a dance to Mrs Fitzgerald’s favourite song. She then ‘graduated’ from our school just like the Nursery children did this morning. We thank Mrs Fitzgerald for all her hard word and commitment over the years and would like to wish her all the best for the future!

P2 and P2/3 Dino Park Visit

All the boys and girls in P2 and P2/3 had a fab time at Dino Park for their school trip. They spotted various dinosaurs in the park. they took part in a craft activity in the Dino Den, donned a hard hat to explore the mine, pretended they were palaeontologists looking for fossils in the Dino Dig and even came across a very large Gorilla! To top it all off, we had super fun in the Treehouse Play Area.


Mrs Waterson’s Leaving Assembly

On Friday, 21st June we held an assembly to celebrate Mrs Waterson’s time at Sheuchan Primary School. Classes sung food related songs such as Pizza Hut, Hot dog and Honey, Honey much to Mrs Waterson’s delight. She has worked at Sheuchan for 35 years and she said the best part was talking to all the children each day and watch them grow up. The boys and girls thanked her for all the lovely school dinners she helped cook over the years by presenting her with a handmade card from each class. We wish Mrs Waterson a long and happy retirement. Hopefully now she has time to do all the things she loves to do. Good luck for the future Mrs Waterson.

P3/4, P4/5 and P6’s Trip to Glasgow Centre Trip

All the boys and girls had a fantastic time at Glasgow Science Centre today (24th June). P3/4 and P4/5 watched a very interesting show called ‘The Body – The Vitals’. Everyone was very impressed with the energy demonstration at the very end. P6 went to the Planetarium to see Passport to the Planets.  After a quick shop stop and lunch, everyone got to explore 3 floors of science fun. Each floor had different science experiments to offer and engaged both adults and children. A busy day but everyone had lots of  fun.

P3/4 Pyramids

After a few weeks of hard work the boys and girls in P3/4 finished their pyramids. They developed their skills in planning, measuring, cutting, co-operating, concentrating, creating and evaluating their designs. They all enjoyed their work and have discussed what went well, what was tricky and what they could do better next time. As you can see all their hard work paid off. The pyramids look amazing. They then researched what went inside a pyramid and made their own mummies, sarcophagus and treasures. Fabulous work everyone!

Glenluce Relay

Unfortunately due to the rain Glenluce Relay competition was cancelled a few weeks ago. However, the P4-7 from Glenluce arrived at Sheuchan this morning to try again. This time the sun was shining. All the boys and girls really tried their hardest but unfortunately Glenluce just pipped us at the post to win the shield. Well done to all the boys and girls involved.