All posts by Mrs Fraser

P7 Leaver’s Assembly – June 2024

On Wednesday, 26th June, P7 showcased their talents in their Leavers Assembly, ‘Sheuchan’s Got Talent’ in front of their parents and grandparents. All their hard work paid off as the audience enjoyed each of the performances from the singing, dancing, magic tricks, and jokes to Ant and Dec’s presenting skills and the judges comments. Then, P7 performed two songs specially written about their time at Sheuchan.

P7 received awards for their Best Medal where they had to complete 3 tasks during the year and a fun award called ‘Most Likely to …’ . End of year awards were also handed out. Connor received the ‘Jennifer Miller Literacy’ trophy, Melissa and Niamh received the Sheuchan Maths Award and Matthew and Louie received the Citizenship Award.

After the show, families joined us for a cuppa and cake to celebrate. Well done to all the P7s who put on a fabulous performance.

Sheuchan Fete – 17th May 2024

We held our very successful summer fete on Friday, 17th May on a beautiful spring evening. There were plenty of different activities to keep everyone busy, such as the bottle tombola, jar stall, nail in a bale, splat the rat and many more. Lots of delicious food was on offer as well such as chocolate brownies, warm pancakes, home baking and our popular BBQ.

Our football tournament welcomed 8 teams from 6 different schools. The overall winners of this tournament was a very delighted Sheuchan A who won the Sproule Cup. Sheuchan B came 4th place, which is a fantastic result.

Our netball tournament was a success as well, where we welcomed 7 teams, with Rephad A being the eventual winners. Sheuchan A came a very close second.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the fete from donations of home baking, bottles, filled jars and raffle prizes as well as those who helped with preparations before the fete, during and after. This helped make the fete a massive success. We are delighted to announce that we raised a phenomenal amount of £2320. All money raised will go pay for our school trips this year.

Thank you all very much.

Comic Relief – 15th March 2024

What a fabulous, colourful day we had while raising money for Comic Relief. All classes took part in fun activities in the hall such as Yucky Dip, crazy golf and treasure island. Special thanks to Primary 7 who organised such a fun morning. Each child decorated a biscuit in the classroom as well. In the afternoon, the whole school came together to watch a very competitive teacher challenge and the raffle prize winners given the chance to paint a teacher’s face. Great fun was had by all. We are very pleased to announce, Sheuchan Primary raised a fantastic amount of £421.10. Thank you very much for supporting us for Comic Relief!



Scottish Opera

Children in P.5-7 are participating in a Youth Music Initiative funded project called Scottish Opera: Vikings!

The children have been split into 3 groups: Vikings, Villagers and Sorcerers. Each group has 3 songs to learn. Some of the children would like to practice at home ahead of the performance on Monday, 18th March. Therefore, please encourage your child(ren) to practice the songs using the links below.




P7 – Glasgow Trip

On Wednesday, 17th January P7 headed to Glasgow for their school trip. They all had fun playing ten pin bowling, enjoyed their packed lunch and after a walk they went to the Kings Theatre to  watch the stage show ‘Shrek, the Musical’. A busy day but all had a fantastic time! Lots of good memories to treasure!

Christmas Concerts and Parties Dec ’23

All the classes worked hard learning lines and songs for their Christmas Concerts. P1 presented the nativity ‘Little Angel gets her Wings’, while P2 and P3 performed “Baubles” to a full audience. The  show “An Out of This World Christmas” was performed by P4 and P5 which linked with their space topic. Finally, the P6 & P7 performed “Cinderella and Rockerfella” which was a modern, panto style reworking of the classic tale.

After all the hard work, each class enjoyed their Christmas Party with dancing and played games. Children enjoyed their party food made by themselves earlier in the day. Some classes even had a visit from a very special person 🎅.

Children in Need Nov ’23

What a super day we had while raising money for Children in Need! The children (and staff) looked fantastic in our ‘Dress up Crazy’ theme. Fantastic effort everyone!

Primary 7 organised lots of fantastic table top games and activities for the rest of the school. Children took part in a baked bean dip, glitter tattoos, face painting, treasure maps, knock over the tin cans, lucky dip, beat the goalie, golf target, basket ball shoot and many more. Great fun was had by all. Our wonderful day was rounded off with a whole school assembly and a few dances as well as 4 lucky winners painting their teacher’s faces.

We are delighted to announce that we raised a fantastic amount of

£427 for Children in Need! Well done everyone and thank you for supporting us.

Sheuchan’s School Fete

What a fantastic evening for our School Fete! We hope you all enjoyed the different stalls as well as sampling a burger or two at the BBQ or a cake at the home baking stall.

Our football tournament was well attended with 5 teams entering. The overall winners were Belmont Primary, winning the Sproule Cup.

Our netball team did really well, with the eventual winners being Rephad Primary.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the fete from donations of home baking, bottles, filled jars and raffle prizes. This helped make the fete a massive successful. We are delighted to announce that we raised a phenomenal  amount of £1947! This money will go towards school trips later on this term.

Thank you all very much.



King’s Coronation Street Party

What an amazing day celebrating the King’s Coronation! During the morning the Road Runner had us dancing outside. We then enjoyed a wonderful buffet at our whole school street party outside at lunchtime. Our kitchen team cooked a lovely buffet and the school donated a few more yummy items and drinks for the children to enjoy. Each class made some yummy treats such as empire biscuits and top hats to finish off our lovely lunch. With the sun shining, the whole school enjoyed a fabulous afternoon playing games on the lawn. What a brilliant day had by all!

Cross Country

Fantastic results at the interschool Cross Country competition yesterday. After the event being cancelled before the Easter holidays due to bad weather, the Cross Country was able to return on Wednesday, 19th April. Sheuchan Primary sent 15 children from P5-7 to take part in this event. P5 had to run a half mile with Harry Greenhorn coming first for the boys race. P6 ran a mile long course with Murray Ferguson coming 3rd for the boys race and Lacie Craig coming 2nd in the girls race. P7 also ran a mile with Lily Steel taking 1st place and Lainey Gibb coming 2nd place. Bobby Stevenson came third in the boys race. The rest of the team came in the top 20 for their races. A fantastic result overall for our Cross Country Team – we are very proud of you all!