Latest News at Nursery


The children moving on to Primary 1 after the summer break enjoyed their Graduation ceremony on Tuesday afternoon.  The children performed two songs before individually going on to stage to graduate.  After the ceremony our families joined us for a cuppa and cake to celebrate.

Well Done to all the children who put on a fabulous performance, I am sure you will all agree they were all like ‘Dynamite’.

Transition Trip – Sandhead Beach

On Friday the 21st of June we finished our transition programme by joining the current Primary 1 on a trip to Sandhead Beach.  The weather was a little changeable but it did not put us off!  We started with a scavenger hunt and play on the beach before the rain started and we retreated to the hall.  There we had lunch and enjoyed parachute games sending Mrs Fergusson’s parrot flying.  The rain then stopped and we managed a play in the park before jumping back on the bus.  This has been a great opportunity for the Nursery children to play together with the P1’s forming friendships ready for their move into Sheuchan Primary.

Thank you to our helpers Ana and Nicola, we hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did.


Sports Day

Today the children took to the school field for sports day.  They enjoyed four races of a sprint, egg and spoon, bean bag race and the ever popular shopping race.  Thank you to all the families who came to watch cheering the children on, and our brave parents who got up to join the parents races!

Thank you to the Primary Sports committee and Primary 6 for all your help, you were all fantastic help!

Ernespie Farm Park – Summer Trip

The children had a fabulous time on Tuesday for their summer trip.  The all travelled together by bus to Ernespie Farm Park enjoying some singing and spotting of animals along the way.  When they arrived they split into 3 groups and enjoyed a tractor and trailer tour, petting shed, combine shed and some soft play.  The baby goats were a big favourite as they entertained everyone with some dancing which was met by squeals of excitement and giggles from the children.  They all enjoyed a packed lunch before some more play time till it was time to head home.  The bus was certainly a lot quieter on the journey home with a lot of sleeping beauties!! Here are a few pictures however we have many many more in our big books and the children’s PLJ’s so please have a look when your in the Nursery.

Thank you once again to all who sponsored the children’s Grand Prix making this trip possible.

Engineers in the Making

Miss Jordan’s engineer group have been celebrating their success today in Nursery.  They were recently tasked with the question ‘If you were an engineer what would you do?’ and spent a few weeks making plans and discussing their ideas.  They even were able to discuss what they liked and disliked about each others ideas.  Miss Jordan then put all their work into a presentation and sent it off to the engineers awards panel.

On Friday the 10th of May Angus and Scarlett travelled to Prestwick Airport with their families to attend the Engineers in the Making Awards Ceremony.  Angus won with his trampoline that creates electricity and Scarlett was highly commended for her machine that makes cheese when the grass grows.  This is a fantastic achievement for Angus and Scarlett who were up against 10’s of thousands of entrants. We are very proud of all our budding engineers, very well done!

Please take a look at their work which is displayed in their Engineer Big Book which is located in the Nursery foyer.

Fun Family Fridays

Today was our final Fun Family Friday of this block.  It kicked off with some games around the importance of a child’s name which included a silly story and a bubble game.  We finished our session making slime much to the families delight!

Thank you to all who joined us over the last four weeks, it was great to get to know everyone a little better and have lots of laughs along the way.

Miss McKie and Miss Douglas

Fun Family Fridays

Thank you to all who joined us this morning for this weeks session, it has been lovely to see so many families over the last few weeks.  Today after our cuppa and chat we read The Bear Hunt sensory story where the families enjoyed being splashed by water and blew away in the swishy shashy grass.  We then headed outside to complete a scavenger hunt and look for Big Ted who was hiding in the bushes!

We look forward to welcoming anyone who would like to join us next week for our final session of this block.  We will have the kettle on!

Grand Prix

What a fantastic morning for our annual Grand Prix!  The children thoroughly enjoyed zooming round the track to raise funds for summer outings and treats.  It was lovely to see so many family and friends cheering the children on, thank you.  We hope to have any sponsor money yet to be handed in by Friday when we will update you all with a total.  Thank you to all who have donated it is very much appreciated.

A really big Thank you must also go to Miss Beggs and her fabulous group of Primary 7’s who helped set up our track and helped all the children on the day. What a responsible, helpful and caring bunch, we really appreciated your help.

Fun Family Fridays

This morning was our second Fun Family Friday.  This week the families enjoyed  a Spring themed session as we are very hopeful the change in the weather is beginning.  After a story we all made a super spring collage.

Thank you to all who attended we look forward to welcoming anyone who wishes to join again next week.

Visit to Stranraer College

Today some of our children were back out in the community, this time at Stranraer college who very kindly invited us along.  We took a bus along to the college where the children were met by the childcare team and students who had laid on various activities for the children.  They engaged in science experiments, numeracy games, scavenger hunts and STEM activities to name a few.  The children particularly enjoyed a visit to the Woodwork area.  The children were there able to see the tools they use in Nursery being used to make every day objects such as doors and cupboards.

We would like to Thank everyone at Stranraer College for arranging such a fantastic event and look forward to spending more time together in the future.

Fun Family Fridays

This morning we had our first Fun Family Friday session where parent’s joined us for breakfast and some fun learning activities.  Today we enjoyed a sensory story, songs and a craft activity.  The sensory story was a huge hit, the children enjoyed the silly noises, being spayed by water and tickled with the dusters!!

Please feel free to join us next week where the plan is to make and try our very own ‘silly sandwiches’ and enjoy some parachute games.

Red Nose Day

Today the children dressed up colourfully and had some silly fun for Red Nose Day.  The children enjoyed face painting, Pie Face game, a red nose hunt and made their own red nose biscuits.  Some of the children helped count the donations and a total of £39.30 was raised.  Thank you to all who donated and took part.

Police Visit

After the children expressed an interest in the Police we invited PC Walker in to talk to children.  During the visit the children were able to chat to PC Walker about her various equipment and try it on.  They asked her lots of questions around her role such as “Do you work through the night” and “Do you work with police dogs?”.  The children then got an opportunity to explore the Police van where they looked at the cell in the back and turned on the sirens.

PC Walker left the children with a small reflector each to add to their bike, scooter or jacket so they can be seen easily in the dark.  She also encouraged the children to say hello when they met her or other officers out and about.

World Book Day

Today we celebrated World Book Day in Nursery by having a bedtime stories theme.  The children all came dressed in their Jammys with their favourite book.  The children were invited to talk about their stories at group time and share their likes and dislikes.  The day was filled with lots and lots of story telling and finished with milk, cookies and a bedtime story!

Signs of Spring

Today some of the children went a walk around the school grounds looking for signs of Spring arriving.  The children were lucky and arrived at the wooded area just intime to see a baby rabbit hop past.  They then noticed daffodils beginning to bloom and other flowers opening up on the trees and bushes.  One child commented “WOW, it really is spring” when spotting them.  We also noticed how blue the sky was and hoe nice it was to feel the sun on our faces.  Exploring is hungry and thirsty work so we stopped off for a little drink and a rice cake by the tyres.


We loved having Megan Bark from Dental Health in Nursery yesterday afternoon speaking to children and parents about tooth brushing and oral health! It was great to see so many families engage with our visitor.
If you have any questions, queries or would like ideas or suggestions to further support your child’s oral health Megan would love to hear from you via email:

Burns Day

Today the children celebrated Robert Burns Day. The children recited their Burns poems they have been learning to their groups, enjoyed a Burns supper at lunch time and had a visit from a piper.  The children really enjoyed listening to the pipes and were able to get a good look at the bagpipes afterwards.

Thank you very much to Harry for coming in to play.

Christmas time in Nursery

The children have thoroughly enjoyed participating in all our Christmas events and celebrations this month.  This last week has been particularly busy with a trip out to Millburn Court to sing to the residents, our sing along, Christmas dinner and our party.  We even had a very special visitor join us yesterday all the way from the North Pole.  Please have a look at our Big Book and the children’s learning journeys for more photos.

Papa Rab’s

After making pizza’s for snack the children began discussing their favourite takeaways.  One child mentioned they love Pizza from Papa Rab’s.  So today Papa Rab very kindly invited a group of children along to his restaurant to make their own pizzas.  The children travelled by bus to the restaurant where they created their  pizza’s from scratch.

We want to say a big Thank you to Rab and Zara for having us today as well as inviting another group back in the new year.

Children In Need

Today the Nursery has been full of giggles at some of the CRAZY outfits in aid of Children In Need.  The children have enjoyed having their faces painted,  baking cakes and they even managed to create their own life sized CRAZY dressed Pudsey Bear.

Thank you to all who donated.

Family Cooking Session

Yesterday we held our first family cooking session in the Nursery. We began the session with a short story before families began cooking. During this session we made a pesto pasta where children and families worked together to chop, pour and mix the ingredients together to create their dish. Some families ate their pasta dish at the session whilst some families took their dish home for dinner.
Our next family cooking session will be on Tuesday 14th Nov at 3-4pm. If you are interested in coming along, please sign up using the following link:

Poppy Walk

The children in the Sunshine room have noticed staff and family members wearing poppies. The children thought really hard this morning as to where they have seen poppies which led us to go a walk down the town. The children spotted various window displays and decorations which allowed us to discuss the significance of poppies and why people wear them.
Please feel free to look at our community walks book to see pictures and child comments about the walk

Sheuchan Toddlers

It was lovely to see so many parents and children enjoying the first Sheuchan Toddlers session.  These sessions will continue every Thursday 9.30am to 11am, everyone welcome.

Halloween at Nursery

On Tuesday the children had a fabulous spooky day in Nursery.  They arrived in their Halloween costumes and enjoyed carving pumpkins, dooking for apples, eating donuts and dancing to spooky music.

As always we have lots more photographs and comments from the children which can be found in their Big Book located in the hall.  Please feel free to have a look at any time.

A Spooky walk to the Castle of St John

Today some of the children went on a Spooky Halloween walk to the Castle of St John.  On the way they looked for Halloween displays in the local shops.  As we passed the museum the clock began to chime, so the children started counting the chimes and were able to work out that they meant it was 10 o’clock.  Inside the Castle they explored all the various rooms which were decorated for Halloween.  Whilst in the Castle the children were able to listen to instruction and carefully navigate the steep stairs.  They even made it to the top where they could see the “whole town”!

For more pictures please have a look in our community walk big book located in the Nursery foyer.

The Shows

This morning we were very lucky to be invited along to have fun at the Shows.  The children and their families enjoyed going on many of the rides including the Ferris Wheel, Merry go round, Swings and many more.  There was loads of giggles and smiling faces as everyone enjoyed themselves and even a few screams from the adults! We have lots more fantastic photos, please check out our big books and the children’s PLJ’s for more.

We would like to say a big Thank you to all the team at the Shows for putting on this fantastic morning for us, we are very grateful.


Thank you to all the families who joined Miss McKie for her first Bookbug session of the school year.  During which our families enjoyed singing together to rhymes and listening to a story whilst having fun along the way.

Our next session will be on Friday at 9.15 if you would like to join.  Please feel free to stay after for a cuppa and a cake and join the McMillan Coffee Morning hosted by Primary 7.

Oyster Festival

Today all the children in Nursery walked along to the site of the Oyster festival.  On arrival we were met by Alana who took the children around all the tents explaining all the wonderful activities that would go on inside each this weekend.  The children then enjoyed snack in the entertainment marquee.  Just as we finished snack Tristen arrived with some freshly caught oysters .  The children were able to handle the oysters, ask questions and were even offered if they would like to taste them, which they all declined!



Visiting the Beach

Some children in Nursery have been talking about trips they had over the summer and during recent good weather to the beach.  This inspired our first walk out and about in the community today.  The children walked down to the park whilst discussing and practising road safety.  We then made our way to the beach where we threw stones in the water, created marks in the sand, looked for shells and stones and found some other interesting objects.  We finished off with enjoying some water and a biscuit.

It was then time to return to Nursery to share our adventure with all our friends!

Settling in to Nursery – August 2023

The children have had a fabulous first week in Nursery.  They have thoroughly enjoyed exploring their new environment indoors and outside.  We look forward to a fun filled year with all our new and returning children.


The children moving on to Primary 1 after the summer break enjoyed their Graduation ceremony last night.  The children performed two songs before individually going on to stage to graduate.  After the ceremony our families joined us for a cuppa and cake to celebrate.

Well Done to all the children who put on a fabulous performance, I am sure you will all agree they were all like ‘Dynamite’.

RNLI Visit

On this weeks community walk some of the children had a fantastic time visiting the local lifeboat station. They were warmly welcomed by Val and Wullie who shared with them what the volunteers on the lifeboat do and what happens during a rescue.   They then went on to discuss how important it is to stay safe near the water. During the visit the children were very keen to try on the uniforms, as well as getting to help open the main door that the lifeboat can leave through should it be sent out to a rescue. Val and Wullie were very kind and showed the children upstairs where they looked over the Loch and had some yummy treats.   The children were very good at listening throughout, asking great questions and were very excited as you can see to get to sit  in the lifeboat at the end.  They even left with some RNLI goodies to take home.

On return to Nursery the children very confidently shared their experience with all the others at group time – Well Done everyone!

Nursery Sports Day

Sheuchan Nursery held there sports day on the 25th of May 2023.  It was great to see so many families come to support and cheer on the children. The children participated in four races, running race, bean bag balancing, shopping race and egg and spoon. Well done to everyone who took part.  And Well Done to all the parents who joined us for a race,  you were all very competitive!!


Nursery Grand Prix

On the 17th of May the children in Nursery enjoyed a Sponsored Grand Prix. The children really enjoyed speeding round the track followed by a medal and certificate presentation.  We would just like to thank all our parents who donated and came to watch the children.  

Also, a big thank you to the children in Primary 6 who very kindly helped the children during the Grand Prix.  You were all fantastic!

Millburn Court – Coronation Celebrations

A small group of children were out in the community again this week, this time visiting Millburn Court.  The children helped the residents kick start their coronation celebrations by creating paper chains together and reading the Coronation story.  Last time we visited, the residents shared they enjoyed dominoes, so the children brought some along to play with.

On the way home the children spotted some building work going on and a house all decorated for the Kings Coronation weekend.

Childsmile Dental Visit

On Thursday we had Angela and Megan from Childsmile in to chat to the children around the importance of looking after their teeth.  The children then listened to a story about visiting the dentist and had an opportunity to become dentists themselves.

Garden Tidy Up

A massive thank you to all our parents, children and the team who very kindly came in to help on Saturday morning.  We were able to give the garden a real tidy up, paint our wood and railings and fill our sand and mud pits.  Thank you also to the donations prior to Saturday, all very much appreciated.

Many hands really did make light work!

Preparing for the Garden Tidy Up

When discussing the garden tidy up on Saturday the children had a little think of what we might need.  They decided we needed paint and paint brushes as the wood was looking a little dull.  We also chatted about the parents who would be very kindly coming in to help and they decided they would like a cuppa and some cakes.  So off we set into town to purchase painting materials from Home and Gardens and ingredients to make the parent helpers cakes from Tesco.

Whilst walking back and forward the children discussed how we can best keep ourselves safe when out and about and crossing roads.  The children thoroughly enjoyed visiting the two shops and purchasing their shopping to bring back to Nursery.  Sally from Tesco very kindly gave the children a banana which they enjoyed at the Castle Green.  Throughout the trip other shoppers made comments as to how well mannered and behaved the children were.

Police Visit

In Nursery we have been learning about People Who Help us.  Today our community Police Officers Shannon and Jordan came along to speak to the children around the role of the police.  The children were able to ask the officers questions and chat about situations the Police may help them.  Afterwards the children enjoyed looking at and trying on the police uniform and exploring the Police Van.  Jordan even put the sirens on before they left which all the children agreed was very noisy!!


The children have been busy in the run up to the holidays learning all about the traditions of Easter.  Today the pre school children joined the school at church where they performed Old McDonald’s Easter Farm.  They then arrived back to a very special visitor who was keeking in the nursery garden.  There were loads of giggles and excitement as the Easter Bunny very kindly left the children chocolate to enjoy.

We would like to wish all our families a lovely Easter Break!

Term 3 Stay & Play

Thank you to all the families who joined us at Stay & Play last week we were delighted to see so many.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed showing you their new environment, the Nursery routines and the places the like best to explore.  But most of all it is safe to say they loved having you all in to simply PLAY!

Thank you also for you useful feedback it was great to hear what you enjoyed and we very much welcome anything you feel we can develop and improve on.   Here are a few photos from over the week, more can be found within our Big Book and the children’s Learning Journeys.

Comic Relief

Today the children in Nursery have went CRAZY in aid of Comic Relief.  The children came to Nursery dressed crazy/colourful and enjoyed activities such as a red nose hunt, decorating biscuits, crazy games and face painting.  They even managed to paint some of the adults faces!!

The children helped count the kind donations which totalled up to £44.75, thank you all very much.


Lighthouse Musicians

On Tuesday 7th of March the Nursery had the lovely ladies from Lighthouse Musicians in to visit.  All the children had the opportunity to join in some songs and rhymes. Our pre-school children even began looking at notes and rhythms in music.

Yogi Kids

On Thursday the 2nd of March we had Ashley from Yogi Kids in to run sessions with the Nursery children.  As it was world book day the children enjoyed recreating a story using yoga poses.  Ashley will return the next two Thursdays to offer more sessions.

World Book Day

The children celebrated World Book Day with a bedtime story theme, coming to nursery dressed in their pyjamas bringing their favourite book.  The children were all given the opportunity to share their favourite story, describing their likes and dislikes.

Millburn Court

Today a group of Nursery Children began our inter generational visits to Millburn court.  Prior to the trip the children selected some activities to take along that they felt the older adults would enjoy.  Whilst there they played jigsaws, games and drew pictures.  Towards the end of the session the children sang to the adults and even managed to retell their own story.

As you can see by the pictures a great time was had by all!  We look forward to returning next week.

Christmas in Nursery

The children in Nursery have had a jam packed December filled with Christmas traditions during the run up to the big day.  This inlcuded Christmas jumper Day where they also enjoyed a Christmas Dinner complete with crackers to pull.  This week the children entertained family and friends with a Sing a Long in the main school hall.  The children sang and danced to seven Christmas songs.  Today we rounded off the festive season with our Christmas Party where the children danced and played games.  We were even lucky enough to have a very special visitor all the way from the North Pole delivering gifts.

Sing a Long at Millburn Court

Today the children walked along to Millburn Court to perform a selection of Christmas Songs for the residents.  The children have been practicing hard for the last few weeks and put on a fabulous show that was very much enjoyed.

Halloween Day in Nursery

On Monday the children in Nursery enjoyed a day full of Halloween activities.  The children were invited to come in their fancy dress costumes and enjoyed ducking for apples, carving pumpkins, Halloween disco and some spooky snacks.


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