P3/4 Activities

P3/4 have had great fun in the open area this week creating their own creatures out of playdough! They had to give their creature a name and list its habitat, diet and any special powers. This work followed on from Halloween where children enjoyed exploring the ‘Witch’s Cavern’, creating their own recipes and potions.

In art this week, we have been focusing on observational drawing of autumn leaves. We explored how water colour paints can be used to blend colours. The finished pictures look fantastic!

We have been working hard in class on the spelling of common words. The children have investigated the spelling of these through a variety of activities. They particularly enjoyed using the chalk pens, magnetic boards and sensory approaches to spelling. Keep up the good work at home too!


Numeracy in P4/5

Primary 4/5 are trying new and exciting ways to learn Numeracy. This week we took part in a decoding activity that included finding clues hidden around the classroom. We were trying to exercise our mental maths skills and increase our speed. We had to embody Co-Co Co-Operate during this task, making sure everyone took part and all ideas were heard.

We all enjoyed learning maths this way and hope to do more activities like this.