Sharks! by Joe

Today I have done a poster about sharks. Recently I have been watch shark documentaries so I thought I would do a poster about them and here’s the result. Hope you like it.

Shark Facts:

  • There are over 500 species of shark.
  • ¼ of these species of shark are endangered
  • Sharks are apex predators.
  • They have several rows of teeth which can be replaced thousands of times
  • Sharks vary dramatically in size. The smallest shark is at the Dwarf Lantern shark reaching 20 cm. The biggest shark is the whale shark reaching 12 m.
  • Sharks live in most ocean habitats.
  • Most sharks are cold-blooded except the great white shark which is partially warm-blooded which helps it go faster while hunting.
  • Sharks live in the UK as well basking sharks which reach 11 m in length, they are the second biggest fish in the world roughly the same size and weight as a double-decker bus.
  • Sharks have 6th sense they can sense small electric fields from their prey this sense is located on their snouts.
  • They have been around for 400 million years long before the dinosaurs.
  • Their skeletons are made of cartilage the same substance our noses are made of not bone.

Are sharks Dangerous?

Although sharks have a bad reputation most sharks aren’t very dangerous. There is one in 3.7 million chances of you being attacked by a shark there is more chance of you getting killed doing a selfie than there is being killed by a shark.

65% of the people attacked by sharks as surfers because in the low visibility of the water the shape of the surfboards looks like their prey.

Out of 15 billion people in the water 50 to 100 people will be attacked every year. The more you go in the more likely you get attacked because shark thinks you are a threat.

Save our sharks!

9 Replies to “Sharks! by Joe”

  1. What fantastic research Joe! Great work. I know some of the guys in my class were doing some research into sharks being hunted for their fins so that people could make shark fin soup. Did you find any information about this whilst doing your research?

  2. Super drawing of sharks, Joe! Good that you’ve shed some light on their reputation. I’ll view them kindly from now on. I’d been led to believe they’re nasty creatures, poor sharks!

  3. Great work Joe. The shark facts are fantastic – I like the hammer head shark. Nice drawing too.

  4. Wow you have been busy Joe- you have definitely taught me some new facts about sharks which I didn’t know. Have you ever watched the T.V programme called Deadly 60? I think you might like it!

  5. Hi Joe, Well done for finding all those facts, it is very interesting and I didn’t know all those things. From Tanith x

  6. thanks every body I’m glad you like it I’m a huge fan of deadly 60 and I watch his nature show every Wednesday.

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