Yesterday we played Rounders. I liked fielding because you can get people out and chase the ball.
all about my Easter holidays
hi Daniel here i went to Alton towers in my holidays and these are my three favourite rides there.
these are my three favourite rides in Alton towers there all roller coaster because i love roller coasters. and there called spin ball wizard and that is the top one the one under it is Th13teen then the one under that is the wicker man. BYE

All about Eid
Hello today we are to talk about Eid.
in Eid we start it by going to the mosque and after we prey in the mosque the emam gets two tables and he puts one in the men’s room then he puts the other table in the woman’s room and he fills them with candy and sweets and we enjoy them.
Here are some pictures of Eid moon’s and candles and dates. I am going to show you some ramadan pictures.
All about our easter Holiday
Hi its Thomas and Rune. Find out about our Easter Holidays. We are talking about Rune’s. He went to Don and John’s for Dinner. And his Granny stayed for Dinner too. We stayed for the night and he went to me friend house. Now we are going to talk about Thomas. I went to the caravan at Southerness and I had Harry round at my house. Then we went to dock park and I stayed at harry’s for a little bit and at harry’s I played Fortnite on his Xbox. I also went to the lodge and at the I went the hot tub then I went for Dinner and for Dinner I had fish and I stayed for a week and after I went to school and I also went to Dalton and Nina cam round and also went to now back to rune and rune had the bi gist occur poo din and ice cream and he had smarts and for Dinner he had rots beef and burger wife Sam and Sevi by rune and Thomas
all about the Easter Holladays
by Claudia and Carlay>_<
All about the trampolin park by carlay
First i drove well my mum drove because i cant but then i tacks 55 mins to get there from my house it fellt like 7 secs when we got there firs we had to watch a video a safety video then we went to play i was going to go on the zipline /skyride but he said to wait till the end so i went to go play on the beam that you try to knock peple of a boy snached it off of findaly then i said findaly do you want a shot he said no then i went on the sky ride by the en of the day that boy was still on the beam he was hoging it my legs hurt because i got lanched in to the wall on the sky ride
All about my easter holadays
I went Manchestr and the car ride took one hour and we had a stop at Tebay and then me and Anneliese had a nother one hour and we got there and Olly gev me a big hug and it was sweet
By Claudia and Carlay
By for now
our Easter holiday
hi grace and tom we are going to talk about are holiday. this is what grace done on her Easter holiday. grace done hill rolling on Easter day and yeeting eggs at her brother, she also went on lots of adventure through lots of walks such as a giant waterfall and different walks through fields and forests and rivers and all the travels where really long. tom saw his granny and granddad and they stayed at a cottage near his house, they stayed for one week on Easter day we went to moat brea and we done an Easter egg hunt and for a prize he got a mini egg Easter egg. it was very fun in his opinion (it was fun) and he played video games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he played with Sam and Sevi on roblox and got robux and he bought it all on one game called type or die and he won a lot in that game. he ordered a suitcase record player on the day before school it arrived yesterday just before he went to sleep he used it this morning. and while i was at home i made up a language called tom language one is two two is three three is four four is five five is six six is seven seven is eight eight is nine nine is ten ten is eleven eleven is twelve twelve is thirteen thirteen is fourteen fourteen is fifteen fifteen is sixteen sixteen is seventeen seventeen is eighteen eighteen is nineteen nineteen is twenty twenty is twenty one twenty one is twenty two twenty two is twenty three twenty three is twenty four twenty four is is twenty five twenty five is twenty six twenty six is twenty seven twenty seven is twenty eight twenty eight is twenty eight twenty eight is twenty nine twenty nine is thirty and so on. see you soon hope you enjoyed reading three hundred and 22 words
Easter Holidays
My name is Amber. I went to Dalscone with Talia and Alexi. We looked at all the animals. There were baby turtles we got to pet and baby chicks we got to play with. We saw a lizard we got to see a baby lamb be born.
Hi I am Curtis. In the holidays i got easter eggs , made up a language and played baldis basics plus for the first time
easter egg hunt
so in my house i did a easter egg hunt and it was with my little sister and my gran and my gran hided the easter eggs and me and my little sister went looking for them and then after we found them it was my turn to hide them and then my little sister and my gran went looking for them and then they found them and then my little sister hided them and my mom helped my little sister to hide them me and gran went looking for them after everyone hided them me and my little sister eat some but not all of them because then we would be sick
my made up language
how to count in it
one is oen , two is tow , three is teerh , four is fruo , five is fevi , six is sxi , seven is sneve , eight is ethgi , nine is neni , ten is tne
zero is zore
first time playing baldis basics plus
my dad went on my computer and downloaded baldis basics , i waited for it to download and after it downloaded i started playing it , i put my naame on the clipboard and clicked on it , i pressed play and then hide and seek mode and then i was in the elevator but the game calls it an elevate instead of an elevator , i got out and ran away while baldi was counting , i got my first notebook and baldi was chasing me with his ruler , my dad went upstairs to get a shower and io was wearing headphones and it was so exiting but the part that is annoying is baldi getting you or starting over the whole game if baldi got you three times
all about are holiday
Hi its Ruby and Talia talking.
Hi its Talia I went to Dalscone with Amber and Alexi. I went to the zoo with Alexi too.
Hi its Ruby I went to the movies with Amber Harry Yasmin and my granny and my granny’s friend Barry then we went to lunch at a cafe .
Here are some pictures of the different animals I seen at Dalscone. There were baby turtles, goats, tarantulas and donkeys.
by Ruby and Talia.
about our easter holidays
miller on suday i went swiming at the fornhill pool and i went whith my 2 brothers and my mum and we went for an hour and if want you can book it for 2 hours there were a hottub and long and deep pool and sona .
by miller
Our football Training
Every Tuesday we go to football Training and we do Shooting,Dribbling and Fitness. Both of our dads are the coaches. The name of the football team we play for is called Terregles AFC. On Saturday we play matches and our rivels are Graystone and Morton. Terregles have there own football-pich
Good bye from Owen and Brody! :):);)