Today I have been doing two Cop 26 posters, watching Newsround about Cop 26 to do my posters and I also did some spelling and 8x table (For Maths) it was quite hard going forward but even harder going backwards. For lunch I had a nice peaceful walk but when a car came I went on bushes with netals and thorns :/ and I got a thorn in my thumb ouch but it came out which was good and I had a picnic. Last of all I did art with Caspian and did a Venus Fly Trap but in our type so we choose how it looks mine was an Angel and Demon, The purple that come’s out the flower is Angel Magic and the red coming out the horn on the hand is Demon Fire there are flowers to make it look nice the circle is the Angel Halo. ^_~
The Flytrap from Venus
Hi. Caspian here and I’m blogging for my first day of home learning. Well technically, it won’t be for long, unless more Covid cases show up. In which case I won’t be back for a bit.
Anyway… Today I started off with maths and played a game on top marks that covers all subjects and lets you go on an adventure along the way. At the moment I am an elf with an owl pet in the Lost City of Algebra. Then I did some literacy in my book, I did fronted adverbials. After that I played some more of the game while we waited for Tanith to finish. We went for a walk to get some fresh air and had a picnic thereafter, and it was great! Afterwards I had my violin lesson and completely lost my confidence but Mum has spoken to my teacher and they have hatched a plan to help me get up to speed. Anyway the best part of today was drawing venus flytraps. Mum said we had to interpret it in our own minds after looking at a picture of a real venus fly trap. I thought of a destructive beast, taller than buildings, stronger than tanks, and it also has quite an appetite.
Anyhow, I’m out of stuff to say. Bye!
all about my learning
Today we did spelling. And reading card. In maths we were learning about algebra. In french we were learning weather terms – il fait beau and il neige. We were learning how to draw our own sketch notes .
Last Thursday we carved a pumpkin using tools, then we worked out on circuits at P.E..
By Ramani
In maths we are learning algebra.
We are learning about climate change AKA COP 26.
We are learning how to make a sketch note.
We are doing circuits in PE.
On Thursday we carved a pumpkin.
By Freddie
All about my learning!
This week we started doing algebra in maths it is surprisingly not that hard i am really liking it so far. We also are doing skechnotes about us its is really fun drawing the containers and pictures and the different fonts. We are also doing autumn trees we mixed red,blue and yellow to make Autumn colours with our fingers and made a tree on a different piece of paper we cut out the leaves and stuck them on the make leaves.
Spooky Spooky
Hello! It’s Rhona! I’m here yo tell you whats been happening at school. So. First of all in literacy we have been writing about our teachers for the thingy Miss Dale shows new P1s parents, my teacher I’m writing about is Mrs Gray, the Catering manager. (Dinner lady.) In maths we are doing algebra and its way easier than we expected! Also I can’t believe I haven’t gone on a rant about Halloween yet! It was so fun and i came to school dressed as a phoenix. Here is a picture of the P6s (my class) in all of their costumes.
learning 02/11/2021
On big Thursday we carved pumpkins, and in PE there was different activities like holding a plank for a certain amount of time (coffin plank) (I held mine for just over a minute), and mummy sit-ups (I did about 50), and a one where we hit a balloon with a tennis racket, one person did 420 something, but I only did nearly 300.
On Halloween day, there was a disco and games, hat making, and writing wee books. There was also trick or treat, and a performance you either got a pie in the face for or a packet of haribo sweets. My one got my hand red for the rest of the day. At the end, I slid down the hill, but the muddy puddle was smaller.
We also made different coulours with paint and cut them out to make an autumn tree with. We do Algebra in maths, with is actually quite easy.
We made descriptions about ourselves with skechnotes. We also learned more about COP26 on newsround.
before the holidays we walked to John ‘o groats.
Learning At Holywood
Hello everyone, how are you all?
Today I will tell you all about our learning in Holywood. This week we have been making sketch notes about our self which is really fun. We also also done Algebra in maths which looks really complicated but it is actually really easy. In class we have been doing a teacher description for the P1’s to know about all the teachers, mine was about Miss Stapleton.
That is all from me! Bye! O