Mad sincetest experement

We did an experiment.  we wanted to find out if some foods desolved or not.  the foods we used was a quaver, rainbow drops, gravy, caster suger.

this is how we did the experiment.

  1. fill a bowl with hot and another one with cold water.
  2. chose your foods
  3. put your item in the two bowls at the same time
  4. give each bowl a stir
  5. draw a table for results

this is what my table of results looked like

Item                                        Cold water                                      Hot water

Quaver                                      Slowly                                              yes

Rainbow drop                        Nothing Happened                   yes

Gravey                                   Nothing                                              yes

Caster suger                    Made a creepy face                       yes


By Bruce and Mum (again!)


Talk Number Tuesday

Daisy requested that we still did some problems from the Talk It, Solve It book we’ve been using in maths class so here is your week 1 problem. Today’s number is one of the following: 16      25       4       9       36         49         64          100

Use these clues to work out what the number is:

  • I am a multiple of 2
  • I am less than 9 squared
  • At least one of my digits is more than 5
  • 4 is one of my factors
  • 8 is one of my factors
  • The sum of my digits is less than 8…

Comment with what you think the answer is, I’ll post it below tomorrow afternoon.

Miss Stapleton

Spoiled Brad

I have listened to the chapter of spoiled brad with mum. I thought it was ok. I woodnt buy the book.If I got to have my own dream house it wood have a whale and dolphin room where when you go in there is a giant pool and  a divinfg board and stairs to get in wit the dolphins.I would have a big giant pillow fight room where I wood invite all my friends over and have a big pillow fight.My bedroom I would ave a king size bed with a big hanging this and it wood be very high. With unicorn sculptures all over my room and a slide down to my garden into the big giant penguin pool and I wood have a room only for my pet hamster .

I have been busy drawing the sheet for Mrs queens work she gave me. We got off to a slow start as mum had no idea what she was doing !!!!!!!!!! lets hope for a bettr  mahts day today. #

by ERIN.


First day in lockdown

Yesterday my mum and sisters raced to get home. They knew there was going to be something announced. They all thought it was lockdown and it was.
Today we have not been out the house what so ever. This morning I did Joe Wicks morning exercise. I liked that. My mum makes me do a schedule for every day. It really helps. My mum said we are going to make my own project separate from school but I still have to all the research. It’s about world war 2. I’m reading a book called machine gunners and that’s from world war 2.  I will be doing other things later.
That raps today’s blog see you tomorrow. By Orla


Morning everyone! Been reading through all your posts about what you are all up to, you’ve been so busy! As well as coming up with some tasks for you over the coming weeks, I’m going to keep busy in my house trying out some of Alex Horne’s #hometasking – he is putting up fun task master style challenges on his twitter every day .

Will be working on my spectacular throws this afternoon…

Miss Stapleton

First day of home school

Yesterday was my first day of home school I use mostly the same daily times table.Even tho it’s only my second day of home school I’m not enjoying it apart from the fact that we can wear what ever we want and I can ride my bike and play basketball and all that.My mum printed a lot of maths sheets and I have only done 3 so fare my dad also printed some .Im laying in bed right now because my hayfever is back but I’m doing good.Im also missing all my friends I’ll be back but I’m out. By Aidan🤪🤪

Food technology

Good morning everyone,

Miss Pattie here! I am really enjoying reading all of your blog posts and hearing about what you have been up to- keep the posts coming! 😊

I am going to be working on my food tech skills while I am at home. Have any of you done any baking or cooking yet? (Tanith and Caspian your chocolate nests and carrot and orange cake sound yummy. Skye I would love the recipe for your cake with chocolate spread!)

I will post some recipes of dishes that I make and maybe you could try them at home too. You could post a photo of your meals or baking so that we could all see them!

Look forward to hearing from you guys soon about your food creations.

Miss Pattie

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