Mother’s Day

Hi is Orla today we are going to talk about Mother’s Day. I got my mum a key finder. There is six key rings and a remote. You press the letter on the remote that you want and then it will bleep. There is ABCDEF. My sisters got my mum mindful oils and tasks to do. We took one out but we had to put back in because it was to with socialising.

See you soon bye. By Orla

Get Moving in the Morning!

The Body Coach

On YouTube, the body coach (Joe Wickes) has a series of fun, active videos for children to carry out. Just type in – The Body Coach for Kids.

Joe is launching a live fitness workout for kids every week day morning at 9am.

Look forward to hearing how you get on.

Miss Dale

‘Taskmaster’ Style Challenges – JUST FOR FUN!


· Build the best living room fort.

· Create the most symmetrical meal.

· Throw a tea bag into a mug from the furthest distance.

· Perform a song using a random household object as an instrument. Bonus points for most random object!

· What’s the most creative thing you can do with a piece of fruit before you eat it?

· Make your knee look like a character from a book or film. Bonus points for most realistic!

· Make a vegetable look like a person. Bonus points for most realistic!

· Do a household chore in the most entertaining way.

· Pretend to be a pogo stick. Jump for the longest time.

· Take the most unusual selfie.

· Recreate/act out a scene from your favourite book or movie.

· Put something surprising under an upturned mug – you have twenty minutes to do this.

· Tear the best picture out of a piece of paper.

· Put on as many items of clothing as possible. Then write them all down in alphabetical order.

· Write down as many five letter words as you can think of. You have five minutes.

· Send one of your toys on an adventure. Bonus points for the most exciting adventure!

· Make the best hat.

· Shut your eyes and draw a self-portrait. Bonus points for most realistic.

· Use clothes from your wardrobe to recreate a piece of art you like or make a new piece of art.

· You cannot use words for the next 40 minutes. You may sign, gesticulate and point but no words.

Hello from Home!


We didn’t expect to see so many of you on the blog already – remember you are supposed to be relaxing after a hectic week at school and before your first week of home learning!!

It is great to see your photos too!

Remember to stay safe online and never put your name and photo together in a blog.

We were heading into school tomorrow to get our online learning resources sorted out BUT we have been called to NWCC for a meeting. Big changes.

Off for a cuppa! Stay well and look after each other.

Miss Dale

It’s mother’s day!

Today is mother’s day. I got my mum some pansy and zinnia seeds in a pretty plant pot. Then me and Nathan made her a mother’s day picture. Mum liked them. Later we all went out to Heathhall forest. I bought some frogspawn back home. I made a PowerPoint. Later I wrote some of a book that I hadn’t finished.

By Skye

Mothers Day!!!

Hello everybody! Its Cleo. Today is Mothers day of course! We didn’t do much but we have had fun today! I will tell you about what we done today! So to start of my day I slept in very late and I never knew that my Gran was outside talking to my Mummy. So my Daddy came into my room and tried to wake me up but i was very sleepy as always so it was hard for him to wake me up! I did eventually wake up and when i did i ran downstairs to talk to my Gran. They were only there for a while because i slept in late but at least i got to see them. After talking to them for a while I was told we were going to the park. I refused to go because i was to tired but i got waffles so i go dressed and we all headed out to the park! Before we went to the park we had to pick up the Tesco order and Mummy accidentally bought four packets of crisps! After we picked up the shopping we headed to the park.  At first me and Rory were playing a wolf game together until i kind of got bored but Rory hurt him self many times because of him falling of things! Then he got angry at me for not playing with him because i love to go on the swings at the park so of course when i stopped playing i swung myself really high on the swing! Then we were called over because we had to go home. At home me and Rory had sausage rolls and cheese and onion crisps for lunch. It did take me quite a while to eat my lunch. After lunch Daddy and Rory came up stairs because me and Rory had to give Mummy the card I made for her for Mothers day! It was a cat card because we all love cats! On the front cover it said “Happy Mothers Day!”Then i decided to draw grumpy cat and put #GrumpyQueen at the side and at the bottom it said to the best cat queen. When we handed it to here she said she was offended of the #GrumpyQueen bit but she didn’t actually mean she was offended I think… but at least she liked the card! That’s all we really did today! I cant wait to see what you all write about in future time!


By Cleo!

Mothers Day

  • My mum liked my gift! I also made her breakfast in bed. My cat nearly ran away from his hospital cage earlier but I caught him. And yesterday we wrote cards to authors who lost their jobs. We have our learning shedules ready for tommorrow:

8.30: ‘go’ to school

9.00: wake up shake up

9.30: project work

10.30: break

10.50: spelling

11.00: animal management – walking dogs, feeding cats and dogs, brushing Nessaphina the cat

11.30: math

12.15: lunch

1.15: literacy

2.30: write blog

3.00: end of school

Thats all from Caspian today! See ya tomorrow!

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