3B Sharing of Learning afternoon

Thank you so much for supporting us at our sharing of learning event today. The children have worked incredibly hard to learn all of the songs and lines for today and their performance demonstrated that they really are confident individuals.

I think you’ll agree that they did a fantastic job today. We are very proud of them!

Here are some photos for you to enjoy…

3B Money

We have been learning about money and even created our own shop to apply what we have been learning.

We can:

*add a variety of coins together to find the total amount

*choose the coins we would need to make a specific amount

*use the least amount of coins to make a given amount

Here are some pictures of us hard at work…


Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year, we’ve had a very busy start to the new year.

This term is going to be very busy. We have already begun preparations for our sharing assembly that will take place at the end of the month. For homework, everyone will be given the words home with them, please support us and help your child to learn the song words at home. Thank you, as always, for your help.

We look forward to continuing to share our learning with you throughout the term.

During our daily mile last Wednesday we saw a newt walking along the path, we wanted to share the photograph with you that we took of our new friend.