3B Macmillan Coffee Morning, Subtraction and Reading Buddies

We had the really important job of hosting the Macmillan Coffee Morning this week. Mrs Fraser and Mrs Brown split us up and gave us different time slots that we would be responsible for. During our slot we had to meet and greet visitors, escort people through the school, collect money in the collection buckets, serve cakes and run our ‘pre loved’ book stall. It was a really busy day but we helped raise over £700 for the charity.

We still had lots of time this week to fit in some Numeracy and we were working on subtraction to and from the decade, we were revising numbers before and after and we started to learn our 3 times table. Mrs Hallahan continued to teach us all about telling the time.

In Literacy we began reading with our new reading partner. This meant we were responsible for reading more of the book than we would be if we were reading as part of our larger reading group. We also became ‘reading detectives’ and hunted for any words containing our focus sound for the week. This week that sound was ay. We collected any words we found on our magnifying glass and transferred them onto our cupboard door so we could all read and spell them.

Here are some photos of our week…

Addition, story endings and coffee mornings

This week we found out that we will be helping to host the annual Macmillan coffee morning at school. We started to plan and prepare for this by designing posters to put up around the school. We’ve also made bunting to hang as a decoration in the dining hall and will be telling all the classes on Monday about what we’re busy planning.

Our writing focus this week was based around Peter and the Wolf, as we thought carefully about alternative endings to the story. We discussed the original story ending then planned our own, ensuring it still followed the theme of the story. We had some really creative ideas!

In our Numeracy lessons this week we have been extending our addition skills and knowledge by adding to and from multiples of ten. We used our knowledge of addition stories to 10 to help us and built on this knowledge. We demonstrated our thinking using whiteboards.

Here are some pictures of our week…


Term 1 Update

We’ve had such a busy term so far in Primary 3. Here is some information about what we will be learning this term as well as some other information we thought might be useful.

We have added in some ideas for home, we hope you find these helpful. If you think on any other ideas that you would like to share with us, and other parents, please leave a comment.

Important information

This term P.E. is on Thursdays and Fridays. On these days it would be helpful for children to attend school in polo shirts rather than shirts and ties. Jewellery is also discouraged on these days for safety reasons.

In order to stay hydrated throughout the day, children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school with water in it to be used in class.

Learning Context for this Term…

Peter and the Wolf

This term our topic will be based around the story of Peter and the Wolf.

We will work closely as a year group to use this story to inform discussions as well as develop our skills in music and drama.

We will also use this as a stimulus for writing lessons and to develop our descriptive language in relation to characters and settings.

If you would like to see the story for yourselves to take forward discussions at home, have a look on YouTube…

Literacy Skills/Knowledge…

This term the main skills and knowledge we will be focusing on in Literacy are:

  • Creating sentences with capital letters and full stops
  • Gaining a greater understanding of common nouns
  • Using interesting adjectives (‘WOW’ words) and connectives in their written work.
  • Focusing on the layout of our work in jotters


Numeracy and Maths Skills/Knowledge…

We are currently focusing on ‘Time’ we have been consolidating our learning of o’clock and half past times and are currently working on quarter past with a view to be moving on to studying quarter to times. We have been using analogue and digital clocks.

We are also learning what it means to estimate, as part of this we are learning the rules for rounding up and down to the nearest 10 or 100.

We will be working on addition and subtraction within 100 using written methods as well as developing our mental agility when mentally adding and subtracting numbers between 0-20

We are also learning our 3 times table.

For extra practice at home, ask us what time it is at different points throughout the day. Or give us some quick fire rounding, addition and subtraction questions or even times table practice!



We are learning about animals in particular what they eat. So far we have learned the difference between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and we will be going on to look at simple food chains.


Within Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about food as our bodies source of energy. We will learn about the main food groups and how these help our bodies function.

Peter and the Wolf, Rounding, Reading and much more

This week P3B have been really busy getting our reading books organised and sent home for reading homework. We have started to complete some reading comprehension activities in class while Mrs Brown listens to the groups doing their reading.

Our Maths learning this week has been a mixture of ’rounding’ and ‘time’. Mrs Hallahan did some ‘time’ work with us on Wednesday and we were learning to tell the time to quarter past, half past and o’clock. We then started to learn all about rounding to the nearest ten. You can see some of our learning in the pictures below. Ask us what we were doing!

On Thursday afternoon we worked with a partner to draw a large scale version of the characters from our topic story, Peter and the Wolf. We are excited to paint them this afternoon.

Here are some photos from our week.