Lighthouses, partitioning and Fairtrade!

This week in writing we watched a clip called, ‘The Lighthouse’ and
we had to rewrite the story. We had to focus on descriptive language, we thought about noises that we could hear and items we could see.

In maths we have been learning how to partition numbers. For example if the number was 2984 you would partition it as 2000 + 900 + 80 +4. We have also been working on learning our timestable facts.

Our new topic is Fairtrade. So far we have learned about Fairtrade
farmers that grow bananas and that it is important because often if
products are not Fairtrade the farmers, who do A LOT of work, do not get a fair cut of the profit. When we were learning we participated in some role play, it was a fun way to learn about such a serious issue.

Welcome to Primary 5B’s blog!

Hope you all had a nice summer, we have been back in school for 3 days now and we have been really busy.

So far we have written letters to ourselves to open on the last day, they will be great to read once we reach the end of the year! We have also started making holiday brochures about different places that we would recommend for Mrs Brown to visit next year, she’s looking for new ideas for places to go! We have been practising maths and focusing on numeracy and place value.

Today we read a book called, ‘First Day Jitters’. We think you should read it, it has a twist at the end that you will never guess. We used this book to think about emotions and the feelings that we felt on the first day of Primary 5, we used emojis to help us write these down.

We look forward to sharing our learning with you this year.