Tag Archives: challenge2

Paper Chain Challenge

Today Elvis the Elf set us another challenge! We each had to make a paper chain using only one piece of paper. The person who could make the longest chain was the winner!

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The children brainstormed with a partner trying to think of different ways they could make their paper chain longer than everyone else’s.

All of the children worked really hard to try and make their paper chain the longest!
All of the children worked really hard to try and make their paper chain the longest!

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In the end, our winner was Lacey!

"I had to do some problem solving and i noticed that when I cut the paper thinner it meant I could have more loops. But I had to be quick because we didn't have lots of time!"
“I had to do some problem solving and i noticed that when I cut the paper thinner it meant I could have more loops. But I had to be quick because we didn’t have lots of time! – Lacey”