During this term, between January and March 2018, Primary 6 will be focusing on Scots Language and later moving on to Europe. They will be learning the following across the curriculum:
Health and Wellbeing
- Take part in the Sexual Health and Relationships programme.
- Learn rules and skills to play a small shinty game.
- Understand the importance of social skills and can suggest ways to get along with others in challenging situations.
Language and Literacy
- Learn, read and use Scots vocabulary.
- Recite a Scots poem.
- Write a biography about a famous European.
- Compare two European cities in a report.
Numeracy and Mathematics
- Use mathematical vocabulary to describe shape.
- Simplify or find equivalent fractions.
- Link fractions decimals and percentages.
- Create graphs and tables to compare weather in different European countries.
Expressive Arts
- Listen to live Scottish music from traditional Scottish instruments.
- Recognise the work of some well-known European artists.
- Create art work in the style of different European Artists.
Social Studies
- Identify European countries, their capital cities and flags.
- Find major rivers and mountains on a relief map of Europe.
- Investigate the impact of prominent Europeans in history.
- Use internet sources to gather information about European cities and landmarks.
- Create a presentation about a European Landmark.
- Summarise and identify the main points of the Easter Story.
Developing the Young Work Force
- Identify and develop skills which can be used in the workplace.
P6D are going to be taking part in Max In The Middle.
Max In The Middle is a healthy living project based on drama and dance. We will do a week of fun and dancing.
On Friday 3rd November 2017 11am we will have a performance to show what we have learned.
By Eilidh and Katie