P6M2 – Miss MacLean

During this term, between January and March 2018, Primary 6 will be focusing on Scots Language and later moving on to Europe. They will be learning the following across the curriculum:


Health and Wellbeing

  • Take part in the Sexual Health and Relationships programme.
  • Learn rules and skills to play a small shinty game.
  • Understand the importance of social skills and can suggest ways to get along with others in challenging situations.


Language and Literacy

  • Learn, read and use Scots vocabulary.
  • Recite a Scots poem.
  • Write a biography about a famous European.
  • Compare two European cities in a report.


Numeracy and Mathematics

  • Use mathematical vocabulary to describe shape.
  • Simplify or find equivalent fractions.
  • Link fractions decimals and percentages.
  • Create graphs and tables to compare weather in different European countries.


Expressive Arts

  • Listen to live Scottish music from traditional Scottish instruments.
  • Recognise the work of some well-known European artists.
  • Create art work in the style of different European Artists.

Social Studies

  • Identify European countries, their capital cities and flags.
  • Find major rivers and mountains on a relief map of Europe.
  • Investigate the impact of prominent Europeans in history.


  • Use internet sources to gather information about European cities and landmarks.
  • Create a presentation about a European Landmark.


  • Summarise and identify the main points of the Easter Story.

Developing the Young Work Force

  • Identify and develop skills which can be used in the workplace.


Max in the Middle

Last week P6M2 did Max In the Middle with Jay and Lisa. They had Meeting Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Workout Wednesday, Thinking Thursday, and Finale Friday. On Monday they met Jay And Lisa, On Tuesday they made food, on Wednesday they Talked about staying Healthy, on Thursday they practiced the show, and Finally on Friday they did the show and said ‘Bon Voyage’ to max in the middle.

Charlie and Abbie



STEM Challenge

On the 26.9.17 we took part in a STEM challenge where we had to balance a marshmallow on a spaghetti tower for 30 seconds.

We had the following:

  • About 200 pieces of spaghetti for each group
  • tape
  • 1 marshmallow

Every group had completed it successfully and 1 group’s design looked like a bonfire!

We had great fun doing this and then on Thursday night there was an open evening where our parents came in and did it with us.



Every Monday we go and get our buddies then take them to different classes we mostly do reading with them but we do tons more like maths, sequencing, and of course reading. Our buddies were really shy at first but then they were enthusiastic about the activities. They enjoy doing activities with us so much. My little buddy always tells me she can`t wait until Monday.



Spy Journals

Our topic this term is Alex Rider Storm breaker. So with Mr Gough, we made a spy journal or a magazine. We had to make them colourful and created our own gadgets.  Whether it was a lipstick Taser or a private jet. We folded them to look like a leaflet we also had to make a portrait of a secret spy agent. We got to do what ever we wanted on the back, as long as it was eye-catching and spy related!



Numeracy Week

On Tuesday the 29th of August Bella’s mum (a professional cake maker) came into our class to tell us about how she uses maths to make her delicious cakes. She told us about people asking her if she could make a cake for 60 people so she has to do lots of multiplication to make her customers happy. Finally, Bella’s mum gave us a great cake to eat.


Welcome to Primary 6M2

P.E. will be on Wednesday and Thursday. Our P.E. teacher is Mr Roberts. Please label all P.E. kit before bringing it to school. Art will be taught by Mr Gough.

Homework will be given out at the beginning of each term. Spelling and Numeracy homework should be handed in each week, homework related to our learning context can be handed in towards the end of the term.

Primary 6 pupils will have the opportunity to become Reading Partners and Buddies with younger pupils. We will be taking part in the Max in the Middle health programme, with a pupil performance on Friday 27th October.

At the beginning of this year we will be focusing on the spy novel ‘Stormbreaker’ by Anthony Horowitz.

Miss MacLean

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