Category Archives: Primary 1M

Winter Stories

P1M wrote some excellent stories about winter. They had some fabulous ideas for their stories, for example, some children wrote about sledging, snowball fights and building snowmen. P1 talked about what they might wear in the winter weather too. They used this information to ensure that they added detail to their pictures. The boys and girls are trying really hard to form their letters carefully following the Read, Write Inc rhymes.

Winter StoriesWinter stories image


P1 love their big buddies. On Friday afternoons the P1 children get to spend some time with their big buddies.  Each week the children participate in a different activity and the P7 children support the P1 pupils.


Buddy timebuddy timebuddy time

Thank you to our super P7 buddies!

Under the Sea

P1 have been learning all about under the sea. As a home learning task they were asked to create a model of a sea creature. Look at some of the super models! Remember to ask P1 questions about sea creatures, they have learned lots of interesting facts.

Some of our super hanging creatures!!
Some of our super hanging creatures!!
Some fab table top creatures!
Some fab table top creatures!