Category Archives: Primary 1M

P1M – Miss McDaid

Welcome to P1M!

What a super start to the year so far! It has been great to see the boys and girls settle so well into their new class.  Some useful information:

Our Gym days this term will be  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child’s gym kit is clearly labelled and in a suitable bag. It would also  help your child greatly if they do not wear a tie to school on gym days.

We will be taking learning outdoors in all weather. Please could your child bring a pair of clearly labelled welly boots to school which we will keep in the classroom. Can you ensure your child has a jacket with them every day and a hat, scarf and gloves in the colder weather. Thank you so much to everyone who has done this so far!

If your child has a letter for me please let them know it’s in their bag. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child please contact me through the school office or catch me at 3 o’clock.

Regular photos will be uploaded to Twitter and Facebook shortly, we are just waiting on permission from all parents/ carers.

I am looking forward to an exciting year of play and learning in P1.



P1M term 4 update!

Term 4

We have had a busy and exciting start to term 4 in P1M.

This term our learning context is Fairyland. The friendly dragon sent P1 a letter asking them to read and share more fairytales and to turn the classroom into Fairyland. So far P1 have heard about Jack and the Beanstalk. We have also looked at different parts of a castle and what their job is.

Image result for castle cartoon

In Numeracy we have been learning about money. When you are at the shops the boys and girls in P1 could help to identify the coins you are using and as a challenge they could help to count out amounts up to 20p and beyond. We will also be learning to tell the time using o’clock and half past times. Each day try to point out an o’clock or half past time  and discuss where the minute and hour hand are.

We have  been to visit the Community Garden. Mr Martin told us all about the plants that grow in the garden and how to look after them. We have been learning about the different parts of a plant and their jobs in class.

The Abercromby Bake Off house challenge is taking place on the 4th of May. Pupils can enter by baking a minimum of 6 cupcakes, biscuits or a ‘Showstopper’ style cake. Each pupil who enters will receive 100 house points for their house team!

Image result for bake off


We will be heading to Glasgow Science Center for our School trip in May. We can’t wait! Sports day is also in May – what a busy month we have coming up!


We are rehearsing for our school show ‘The Bee Musical’ – look out for a letter about costumes. A yellow t-shirt should be handed in by the 18th of May. Please clearly label these with your child’s name.

Image result for bee image clipart

What a busy term we have ahead! Lots of exciting learning experiences to look forward to!

P1M update by Carter and Maxine

Weekly update by P1M

P7 buddies Aaron and Zak helped Carter and Maxine to report on their week in school.

This week’s website reporters!
This week’s website reporters!

In primary 1M we have been learning lots of things this week. In numeracy we have been learning  to count aloud up to 40 and learning about ordering numbers to 10. In literacy we have been learning how to read and spell different words like cat and dog. We are trying hard to log on the the netbooks by ourselves and we used paint to draw the Gruffalo! We liked PE with Mr Roberts, we liked the games that he plays with us! Have a look at some pictures!


By Maxine, Carter, Zak and Aaron

working hard on the netbooks
working hard on the netbooks
Number fun! How many?
Playdoh numbers and letters


P1M have been learning all about the Gruffalo! In the story each character has a different habitat. With Miss Brown the pupils have been learning all about what a habitat is, where different animals live and we explored habitats in the Quiet Garden. The boys and girls were very excited to go exploring – here are some pictures!

We have found something!
Who might live here?
Habitats are everywhere!

Maths Week 2017

P1M had a great week during ‘Maths Week Scotland 2017.’ They took part in challenge afternoons, had visitors to the class who spoke about how they use maths in their jobs and took part in exciting homework challenges. It was great to see so many homework challenge pictures on Twitter!!

Have a look at some photos of the week!

Eloise’s mum spoke to P1 about her job.
We used Numeracy skills in PE
We love playing maths games on the computers
finger painting fun!
We were counting each time we passed the ball


Today Primary one were introduced to their new learning context… Dinosaurs. They came up with lots of good questions that they would like to find out the answers to, for example:

  • How do they get out of the egg?
  • What colour is dinosaur blood?
  • How do they fly?
  • What do dinosaurs eat and drink?
  • How did dinosaurs become extinct?

Hopefully over the next few weeks P1 will learn the answers to these questions!

This afternoon activity time was dinosaur themed. It is shaping up to be an exciting and interesting context!

Dinosaur crafts
Dinosaur crafts
Build your own dinosuar
Build your own shape dinosaur
Class display artwork!
Class display artwork!
Build your own dinosaur
Build your own dinosaur

Numeracy Stars in P1!

P1M are learning how to add and subtract within 10 and beyond. Each day pupils participate in different activities and this week they need to decide whether the question is asking them to add or subtract. Pupils are encourage to use different tools to help them add and subtract such as cubes, their fingers and number lines.

Subtraction Sticks
Subtraction Sticks
addition and subtraction peg games
addition and subtraction peg games
addition and subtraction board games
addition and subtraction board games
P1 hard at work!
P1 hard at work!

Remember to continue to practice the number facts at the back of the red reading folders. This will help you get quicker at recalling different facts.


Confident on Computers!

P1M are becoming much more confident when using the netbooks and they are trying really hard to logon independently.  This week the class were set a challenge to use the Paint programme to create a detailed picture of a robin. This is because we are learning the poem ‘Robin Reidbreist’ and we have learned all about robins too. Have a look at some of our super pictures.


Brooklyn's super picture!
Brooklyn’s super picture!
Ruaridh's super robin with a bright red tummy!
Ruaridh’s super robin with a bright red tummy!
We are all trying our best!
We are all trying our best!


A Goolge Expedition to the North Pole


P1 went on a Google expedition to the North Pole. The pupils got to use a mobile phone to view different scenes in a virtual reality adventure. When they lifted the phone up or moved the phone from side to side they got to view a different part of the scene. P1 got to see Santa’s Grotto, the stables where he keeps his reindeer, his workshop and Santa on his sleigh.

We listened very carefully to our instructions.
What an adventure!
What an adventure!
We loved every second!
We loved every second!

What a great experience! Thanks Google Expeditions!