Category Archives: Primary 1G

P1g Class blog- 29.9.17

P1g Class Blog

By Alexis and Grace

Assisted by Mia and Sean

P1 and P7 buddies working together

This week in Literacy  we have practiced our sounds and here is a couple m and a. This week we also learned my Abc.

The sounds we are learning.

We were using playdoh and we made numbers and animals.

Creating the Gruffalo characters.

We learned some French and we sang a song.

Grace also got the house point winner certificate this week.

House point winner 29th September 2017

A Goolge Expedition to the North Pole


P1 went on a Google expedition to the North Pole. The pupils got to use a mobile phone to view different scenes in a virtual reality adventure. When they lifted the phone up or moved the phone from side to side they got to view a different part of the scene. P1 got to see Santa’s Grotto, the stables where he keeps his reindeer, his workshop and Santa on his sleigh.

We listened very carefully to our instructions.
What an adventure!
What an adventure!
We loved every second!
We loved every second!

What a great experience! Thanks Google Expeditions!

Under the Sea

P1 have been learning all about under the sea. As a home learning task they were asked to create a model of a sea creature. Look at some of the super models! Remember to ask P1 questions about sea creatures, they have learned lots of interesting facts.

Some of our super hanging creatures!!
Some of our super hanging creatures!!
Some fab table top creatures!
Some fab table top creatures!