Welcome to P7W!
I look forward to working with you all this year and having a fantastic year in P7!
P.E – Tuesday and Wednesday
Art – Monday
Homework grids will be given out to every pupil at the beginning of each term. Spelling words will be sent home on a Monday and there will be a weekly spelling test on a Friday. Homework is due in on a Friday for marking.
School show:
In P7 you have the opportunity to audition for our Christmas show. If you do not wish to have a speaking part, there are lots of other roles we need to fill to ensure the show is a success.
Each of you will now become a prefect and will be the role models for all the other pupils in school. Some of your duties may include; buddies, Bank Team, Sports leaders, House Captains etc.
If a parent wishes to ask questions or make a query, please contact me through the school office, either by phone or make an appointment.
Thank you
Ms Wilson