The Senses – Sight

As part of our science focus this term P2S have been learning about their senses. This week we have been learning all about our eyes and our sense of sight.

Firstly, we learned all about the different parts of the eye. Then we drew a picture of our eye and labelled its parts.

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On Thursday, we were very lucky to have a visit from 2 guide dogs and their trainers. We learned lots about people who are blind and how these wonderful animals help them to keep safe.


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On Friday, we learned about Braille and how it allows blind people to read. We used our new knowledge to make our names in braille using lentils.


To finish off our focus on sight, we had the chance to experience what life might be like if we were blind. Wearing a blindfold, and with a little help from our partners, we explored the playground. It was really tricky and some of us found it quite scary too!

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