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In Nursery This Week – 30th April 2018

Monday – Library,  please ensure your child returns his/her library book by the Thursday…..this will ensure they get a new one the following Monday.

Tuesday – Circle Time and the pm children will be going to Carronhill  for outdoor learning.

Wednesday – Wellies on for the am children

Thursday – Yoga and Makaton

Friday – PE

We were playing shape snap with several children today and have decided to plan activities around 2D and 3D shapes for the next 2 weeks.



What’s On This Week – 16.04.18

Welcome to our new children who start this week – Hamish, Lily, Sam, Emily and Rachel, we hope you have a great time at nursery.

On Monday we will continue with library.  Tuesday, the morning children will have circle time and the afternoon children will head over to Carronhill Grounds of Learning  for outdoor play experiences.  On Wednesday the morning children will have outdoor learning, planting the flowers and vegetables we bought in the garden centre, and in the afternoon we will have circle time.  As usual we will take part in yoga and Makaton on Thursday and we will be in the hall on Friday for PE.  This week we will be revisiting  friendship and routines to help our new children settle in.  We will also be exploring the flowers  we planted before the holidays and learning all about them.

Week Beginning 26.03.18

Firstly many thanks for your very kind donations for Sports Relief – the nursery raised £78.00.

Monday – library for all, Mandarin for the afternoon children

Tuesday – circle time, exploring Easter and why we celebrate it.

Wednesday – Wellies on and out.  Baking easter nests to eat on Thursday.

Thursday – Everyone going to the park to get us in the holiday mood!

Friday – Good Friday holiday

The nursery team wish you all a very happy easter holiday and look forward to seeing you back at nursery on Monday 16th April.  We will be welcoming Emily to our morning session and Hamish, Sam, Lily and Rachel to our afternoon session.

Happy Chocolate!!!

Week beginning 19th March 2018 – Sports Relief Week

This week in school and nursery we are taking part in a variety of sport events for Sports Relief.  We are hoping that the nursery children will be able to make a small donation to this very worthy cause.

Monday – library, mandarin and sticky kids             Tuesday – circle time and Millo Mile

Wednesday – Wellie Wednesday,  obstacle course      Thursday – Makaton and Yoga

Friday – PE and Disco