All posts by Mrs Leith

Week beginning 29th October, 2018

I hope you have all enjoyed your October holidays and are looking forward to returning to nursery tomorrow for the start of a very busy team.  At the moment I am not sure of the schools timetable but we hope to secure time in both the GP area and the hall for PE, dance, drama and circle time.  Mrs Hamilton will continue with us on Tuesday mornings and we are delighted to welcome back Mrs Eddie who has secured a full-time permanent position and will return as Keyworker to the Yellow Group.  On Wednesday we invite the children to come to nursery in fancy dress for Halloween but request that no scary masks are worn as we do not want Mrs Watson to go into premature labour! 👻💀👽  We hope to put all the learning journeys home on Tuesday and request that you return them to us for Friday.  Please remember to give us your feedback and also remember some of our learning has already been sent to you through Seesaw.  The learning intentions for the next two weeks are about how to stay safe and who to go to in an emergency, this will fit in well with Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Mrs Leith

Week Beginning 24/09/18

I hope you have all had a great weekend and are ready for the week ahead.  Firstly can I say how well the children are all doing with their Makaton signs.  They are engaging well and are remembering their signs from week to week.  This week we hope to collect “signs of Autumn” so if you are out walking please allow the children to collect them to bring in.

Monday – PE for all, obstacle course to develop balance, movement, problem solving, climbing and jumping skills.

Tuesday – Circle Time, rhyming – You could link this learning at home by reading rhyming stories and poems

Wednesday – Wellies on and out. The pm classes missed out last week as the weather was too stormy by the afternoon so they will be making Scarecrows and going on a treasure hunt.  The morning groups will be looking for signs of Autumn

Thursday – Makaton and Yoga

Friday – Dance!

Every child will also be taking part in a baking activity to contribute to the MacMillan Coffee morning on Friday.  Mrs Hays, yellow group have already been making apple and plum crumble, which we had for snack and was delicious! The apples and plums came from Innes’s grans trees. Thank you.

Week Beginning 3rd September 2018

This week at nursery we are continuing to build friendships and getting to know each other.  Last week the children asked if we could build a kitchen for our outdoor area and we have therefore obtained  several pallets and the children are going to plan how they would like it to look before we start putting it together.  We are not joiners so please bare with us!!!  The children will all get an opportunity to be hands on and use our tools  with adult supervision.  At PE on Monday the afternoon children participated in circle games and we will continue you this with our morning children on Friday.  Mrs Fiona Crichton our Principal Teacher will visit this week and is looking forward to meeting the children.  Mrs Hamilton will be in nursery every Tuesday morning from now on and she will be working on a number of skills with the children – this week she is planning a playdough disco!

Please see our floor book for the next 2 weeks planning and add any comments or ideas you have.

Many thanks

Week beginning 27th August 2018

Firstly let me once again welcome everyone to 2018/19.  Today is the first day of us all being together and our aim for the week is to make everyone feel safe and secure in nursery and happily leaving their parents/carers.  We hope that by the end of the week everyone will have made a new friend.  We have the opportunity to use both the GP area and the school hall and will take small key groups through to get the children used to these spaces.  We will start Wellie Wednesday this week so please arrange for wellies to come in as soon as possible.  Last week several children helped Miss Ross make up the snack menu for this term and we hope to complete it today.  It will be displayed in the snack area.


Welcome to 2018/19

Today at nursery we once again met all our new families and welcomed back some families we have previously had.  The children had a good explore and we are looking forward to seeing them again tomorrow at 0930 to 1100.  On Thursday and Friday we will get a chance to catch up with all our returners and I’m really looking forward to hearing all their summer news.

We popped through to P1 to see all the new starts and they were all busy doing jobs and getting to know their new teachers.  They all looked very smart and grown up!  We know they will settle well and are looking forward to the challenges ahead.

Graduation and Party

Great day, enjoyed by all.  A few tears here and there, especially from us!  It is wonderful to see all the “schoolers” together, making new friends for the future.  As always we are immensely proud of our Millo children and they always rise to the occasion and showcase their individuality.  They are a credit to their families.  Unfortunately we were so engrossed I don’t think we took any photos! There are also lots of new data rules surrounding our slideshow.  If I work it out I will let you know.  Our afternoon party went well and the children mixed and got to know each other.  They are shaping up to be excellent role models for our new starts and are looking forward to showing next sessions new children how we roll.

Can I thank you all very much for all your contributions at nursery this year and we hope to see you after the summer break.

Church tomorrow and the park on Friday.

Happy holidays.

Hello July!

Well the last week of term has arrived.  Please remember to meet us at Scallywags tomorrow, we will not be in nursery so please do not go there.  Scallywags open at 0900 for us and we look forward to welcoming you all down there.  Morning children should be picked up at 1130.  Afternoon children please come for 1230 and pick up at 1500.  Tuesday is normal on Wednesday ‘schoolers’ ONLY in the morning for party and graduation and parents  are invited at 1045.  In the afternoon all the returners should attend and we will have a party.  On Thursday there is NO nursery however children can attend the End of Term Church Service at Fetteresso Church.  PLease sign up for this as not all staff are attending. Please drop off at church just before 1000.  If you are unsure about your child attending this session please speak to staff. On Friday we hope to go to the park, weather permitting.

Can I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy summer break and for those moving on to P1 we are very proud of you and your achievements and wish you all the best  as you continue your journey.  We look forward to welcoming the returners and their families back in August.

The Nursery Team

Monday 25th June 2018

This week in nursery we will be staying goodbye to Austen who has been with us for several sessions this term as part of our work experience programme.  Austen has been a hit with both the staff and morning children and we wish him all the best as he continues his journey.  We will have the “schoolers” (that’s what they have named themselves!) meeting with their buddies on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week and they will be heading to healthy tuck on Thursday.  Nursery sports are hopefully going to take place on Wednesday and we will be cheering the school on at their sports day on Friday.   Apparently there is a heatwave coming so please remember to slap on the sun cream and provide glasses and hats for protection.

Can I take this opportunity to thank all our parent helpers this year,  without your help we would not be able to go on in the community.  Many thanks to Mrs Stephen and Mrs Huddleston for helping us with the library.

If you have any donations to hand in for our Teddy Toddle we should be most obliged if you could do so asap and if you have any library books still at home please return them.

Many thanks