Category Archives: P6/5 Mr Reid

Literacy- Hot- Writing Activities Grid Interactive Lesson.

Hello Everyone,

My blog post/ sway today is a little bit different I’ve gone all out and have prepared a step by step lesson that I would carry out in the classroom related to the writing tasks.

P7/6 and P6/5 I would encourage you to settle down play through the sway which includes video clips, activities and step by step voice instructions by myself Miss Deans.

Would love to hear if you give any of these activities ago.

Numeracy – Spicy/Hot – Division – Update

Hello everyone!

It’s time to practise our Division.

Click on the Sway below to see some NEW fun and challenging activities that you can do at home to improve your dividing skills.

One of the tasks includes creating your very own Division board game! We know how creative the pupils of Methlick School can be and we can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Please comment and let us know which activities you have been doing and which ones you have enjoyed the most!

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and you are now more settled into your Home Learning routine.

I didn’t practise as much piano throughout the holidays as I had wanted to but I am still making progress. Having my Sway and being able to see the difference between Day 1 and now Day 35 helps to keep me motivated to carry on.

Question – Can you tell me the name of the song that I am playing this week? Why do you think I chose to learn this specific song?

What was the best part about being back to Home Learning last week?

Health and Wellbeing VE words

Just wanted to say a BIG Thank You to all those that have tried out our Health and Wellbeing task. They are looking FAB!

Don’t worry if you haven’t had a chance to do one yet you still have another week to go.

Please send on your creative pieces of your work to your teacher so we can collect them all to create a Sway for you all to see .


Miss Deans

Literacy – Reading activity – Hot

Read the poem – ‘Unmentioned in Despatches’ by Peter Wyton

Link to poem – content/uploads/2020/01/VE-Day-poem.pdf

Everything that you will need to complete this activity, can be found in the Sway below. There is also a special guest reciting the poem. Enjoy!

Remember to share your work with your class teacher via Seesaw or Glow email.

Wellbeing Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #1

Tune in now to see Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid go head to head in an Ant vs Dec style showdown!

Each week the teachers will be presented with a challenge to complete. Watch each week to see what challenge they take on. You can get involved too, after watching the episode copy the activity and comment how you got on.

You could be featured in the following weeks episode on the leader board. Get the whole family involved and see if you can beat Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid!

Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid                            Episode 1

Running Long Jump

Your teachers have been tasked to use their designated time outside following social distancing rules to complete to jump as far as they can.

Mark off a 5 metre (roughly) running track and then measure how far you were able to jump.

Comment below how you got on and find out next week to see how Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid got on!

Have a G.R.E.A.T Well Being Wednesday.

Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 1

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Animals

Miss Deans will be playing – UPDATE – STREET RACER 

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Happy Easter

Hello everyone,

Thank you for joining me on my Music Journey over the last two weeks and all the best for the Easter Holidays.


What has been your highlight from the last two weeks? For me, it has definitely been interacting with so many of you on a daily basis. I know that all of the teachers have thoroughly enjoyed seeing what you have all been up to.

I have uploaded one final song that is from my favourite movie. Hope you enjoy and have a great Easter break!

Take care,

Mr Reid