Well Done on Your Work! – Science


Boys and Girls, to finish our term and year I am going to show you some of the work you did during this time at home. Don’t worry if you don’t see your work here, this are the ones I received via email. Going through all of them again made me smile, hope it makes you smile too!

Well done on your big effort and thank you for sharing them with us.

Let’s see!


Ir a este Sway


Have wonderful summer holidays!

Your Final Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid – The Grand Final!

For the final time this year… 

Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid are ready to go sign off in style, in their biggest challenge yet…

or is it challenges. They even got T-shirts made!

We’ve got the whole show team involved (in front and behind the camera) as we do our own ‘Minute to Win it’ Gameshow. 

There is no leader board for this week but you can watch the games and adapt them to suit the materials in your home. Come together and enjoy lots of endless laughter, just like we did.

We can’t thank you enough for the great response each episode. 

We set out to have a bit of fun and share a community feeling together. Focusing on the mental well being, to have a routine of seeing us each week as we present the next challenge and also viewing the entries of all the other families who took part, the same as you. Plus the physical well being of us all, with the activities we would set.  We hope that during some down time throughout Home Learning this has given a smile and made you laugh.

Enjoy the Final Episode of ‘Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid’ below, 

Have a G.R.E.A.T Summer and we will see you after the break!