18 thoughts on “School Wordsearch Challenge (Mrs Black, Mrs Still and Mrs Webster) Blog Takeover Part 3#”

    1. Hi Megan

      Apologies, I should reply direct to you (silly me, I just replied in comments). Anyway ….
      Glad you enjoyed the word search and WELL DONE on completing it so quickly🏆.
      I love doing them too. Like you, I have lots of quiz books. I’m not very good at sudoko, but always try!
      Ms Rees may have given us an idea for the future 🤔
      Watch 👀this space ………

  1. Hi Megan

    Glad you enjoyed the word search and WELL DONE on completing it so quickly🏆.
    I love doing them too. Like you, I have lots of quiz books. I’m not very good at sudoko, but always try!
    Ms Rees may have given us an idea for the future 🤔
    Watch 👀this space ………

    1. Hi Fraser
      I’m catching up with messages while trying to install a printer onto my laptop (Niall is helping, I’m not good with technology!). Anyway ..
      I’m glad you enjoyed the word search😀. I certainly enjoyed making it. Did you find it easy, hard or just right?

  2. This was super tricky Sienna and Sol gave up after 5 mins and mum was determined to finish it even thought it took me all day.

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