Huntly Castle Junior Tour Guides

Some pupils from primary 6 are currently delivering tours of Huntly Castle to classes from other schools and to the public.

Dressed in sumptious costumes they explain about the history of the castle and tell their audience how the castle was used in the past. The tour is entertaining and fun.

They are also helping to train a group of P5 pupils who will be taking over from them as tour guides next session.

Time Capsule

Gordon Primary School are going to contribute items to the Diamond Jubilee time capsule.

The time capsule will be buried along the footpath on the edge of the Portsoy road following its official opening on Sunday 3rd June.

It will be opened in 60 years time. It will contain items describing life on the town in the past, life in Huntly today and suggestions on what Huntly may be like in 60 years from now.

Gordon Primary will be contributing copies of class photos, with names of pupils and teachers and also photos of the school taken by pupils.

Friendly heron

While walking along the River Deveron, Mrs Sell’s walking hobbies group were very lucky to meet this very friendly heron. It didn’t seem worried at all by the closeness of the group, despite all the chattering and noise!

Around The World In 80 Days

Primary 4B, Mrs Mcgowans class, are doing “Around the world in 80 days.” They are doing quite a lot of exciting things to do with it like choosing a country in Europe and finding out facts about it to show the class, so far the class have found out about some of these country’s France, Italy, Croatia and many more. They might be doing plays, we will keep you updated.


Amy  (p4B blogger)Ellie  (p4B blogger)

What are V.C.O.P.s?

V.C.O.P.s help you to improve your writing

V is for Vocabulary

C is for Connective

O is for Openers

P is for Punctuation

All the classes in the school now use V.C.O.P.s!

There are pyramids that you can use to help you with…

Vocabulary’s, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation.

Classes in the school are now doing Big Writing which is where you use V.C.O.P.s to do your writing (it is not where you write with huge letters!)


By Duncan (P5 Glow Blogger)

Bike Ability

P5s are doing Bike Ability This term.

We started off in the playground to practise how to start and stop properly then we practised our left hand turns.

Then we went to Yule Square to practise our starting and stopping and right and left turns.

By Duncan (P5 Glow Blogger)


Pupils from Gordon Primary School found out about the work of the SSPCA last week.

Kenneth, an officer of the society, told us if we see someone being cruel to an animal or an animal in danger or abandoned to tell the SSPCA on this number 03000 999 999 .

If you see a wild animal in trouble you should tell an adult, or phone the SSPCA, instead of disturbing it. He also told us to put our rubbish in the bin because a lot of animals have been injured by litter, such as empty bottles and carrier bags that people throw away carelessly.

This is a web link so you can have  a look of some of the animals.

By Ellie p5b and Ellie p4b

Olympic Festival

Both primary 4 classes are taking part in an Olympic Festival on 23rd May.

They will be competing against teams from other local schools, including Largue, Rhynie, Forgue , Glass and Cairney. The Olympics will take place on the school fields.

Events will include javelin, long jump, sprint relay and hurdles relay.

Each school will represent a country that is taking part in the Olympics. Gordon primary is representing Mexico, and are competing against Australia, Egypt, Jamaica, Nigeria and Poland.

There will be an opening ceremony on the day of the event where each country will parade around the hall to the national anthem of thier country. We are looking forward to a fun event.

P5b Open Day 26/4/2012

P5b are having a open afternoon for our parents because we missed it because of  swimming!

We are planning to use the Small hall for our Alice Liddel play.

Alice Liddel is a Victorian child. Lewis Carol based the book of Alice in Wonderland on her. We made a play of all the people in her family to show what it would have been like in the Victorian times.

When we got back took our parents around the classroom to show them all our impressionest paintings and showed them all our work on the Blog.

It was VERY sucessful!

By Duncan (P5 Glow Blogger)