Fairtrade Fortnight

Foundation logoWhat is Fairtrade? Fairtrade is to help people in different countries who don’t get paid properly. We are trying to raise awareness about Fairtrade. Fairtrade fortnight is coming up soon on the 23rd– of February 2015 to the 8th– March . There will be a terrific treasure hunt and a lovely coffee evening and a magnificent mascot competition.

When we visited the p6/7 area two pupils said “The snacks are super yummy.” The Fairtrade organise fun things for the school to take part in and have a bit of fun, especially during Fairtrade Fortnight! Every Friday the p6/7 does a fairtrade tuck shop and most items are about 50p.

Each year the school has an election to decide the Fairtrade representatives who have meetings once a term with teachers at lunch time.

By Annie, Lauren, Liam and Verity P5SC

Football Club can’t wait until Spring!

Gordon Primary football club has a good team of students from Gordon Primary School. Commonly about 13 people come to the club, but there used to be about 17 people who used to come to the club. Ecstatic Mr Lumsden can’t wait until spring so they can go down to the football pitch. The football club has a waiting list so no more people can sign up. The club is for pupils from P4 to P7. It starts at 4:00 and it finishes at 5:00. Gordon Primary is going to start a tournament at this school. The last tournament was in 2013 in August.

By Tom and Daniel P5SC


Amazing Netball

There is a netball club on every Wednesday at 3:30 to 4:15 for p6 and 7. Mr Lumsden is the coach. It is in the large hall. There are about 25 people in it.

Mrs Fitzpatrick said “It is very fun, people love doing it.” The p7s say “Please come it is fun.”

There has been a tournament on the 28th of January on (Wednesday) at 4:00 to 6:00 in the Gordon Schools. THANK YOU TO ALL THE TEAM !!! VERY WELL DONE”!

Nursery Investigate the World of Water

On Friday the 17th of January 2015, the nursery children went on a trip to the secondary pond. Their project is about water . They went to the secondary pond to get ideas for their own pond.

The nursery children are making their own pond in their playing yard. In their pond they have put sticks, water, fish and ducks. (Not real ducks.) They put heavy logs and stones around it to stop them from falling in.

They learned that they need water to drink, to wash hands and to bath.

By the P5SC Newsletter team


Jogging Club

Since September jogging club has been underway on Thursday lunchtime. Ms Gilmore takes part in the jogging club. She says “ Its a REALLY good club to do because it’s great get outside and look at the beautiful scenery”.

The places that they usually jog to is the Huntly castle and the ski centre. Mrs Gilmore thinks the childrens favourite place to jog up to is the Huntly castle.

It lasts for half an hour so it’s not too long. There are about 40 students in the jogging club.

Alasdair (a student who takes part in jogging club) says that it’s extremely fun and exciting.

Sometimes if there is very bad weather then they cancel it. The students all meet up at the primary 6 and 7 area for the register.

Mrs Gilmore exclaims that it is an energetic, amazing and FUN club to take part in.

By Charlotte P5SC

Shimmering Ballroom Dancing

On Wednesday 21st of January 2015

We went to the primary 6 classes and asked them these questions about their ballroom dancing.

Who teaches you?

They answered :Mr.Robertson teaches us ballroom dancing .

Where does he teach you?

They answered:In the primary school big hall.

What dances does he teach you?

They answered:At the moment we are learning The Quickstep.

What time is it?

They answered:Wednesday at 2:30pm.

Thank you for reading our news report on ballroom dancing

By Candice, Sky and Chloe P5SC

New Website

gordon logo 13

Our fantastic new school website is up and running. You can look at information by visiting it at http://gordonprimary.weebly.com.

You can get useful information ,lunch menus, photos, holiday dates and link for this blog on the website.

Mrs sell said she likes the program for making the website. It very easy to use and its got good features for things like the slideshow of pictures.

Have a look!

by Aaron P5SC

P7 WW2 Day

Recently the p7 have had a WW2 day. The primary 7s have learned about the world wars and also what life in Scotland was like during the war. Visitors Mr Patrick Scott and Mrs Frazer came to talk to them about WW2, they told p7 about how people lived and what their life style was like.

The p7 and Mrs Mcintosh and Mrs Player got to do some activties at the secondary school. One of the p7 said “the activties were fun, challenging and exciting.”


By Elise and Paige P5SC Newsletter team