We will miss you!

Sadly we are going to have to say goodbye to some of our teachers.

Ms Salama will  be leaving us to have her baby. She will be greatly missed.We hope that she does well when she has her baby and hopefully she can come back and see us. Her class will be taught by Mrs Fitzpatrick.

Another teacher who will be leaving is Mrs Player who will be missed  very much. As well as teaching P6/7 she organised the netball squad and the netball squad are very thankful to her for taking them to all their tournaments. We hope that you and your baby do well in the future and hopefully you can come and see us. Ms Anderson will be teaching her class.

Mrs Simpson is also leaving, to teach in another school closer to home. As well as teaching P2, mrs Simpson also helped organise  the gardening club. . She will be greatly missed. Her class will be taught by Mrs Wheeler.

By Ellie and Sophie p7 blogger