Gardening clubs trip to Inverurie

On Thursday 20th November the gardening club went to Inverurie and got some new tools and we went on the train. We went to Homebase and the Garden Centre. We bought some watering cans, trowels, garden forks and some spades  and more. When we were in the garden centre  we all got to pick a pack of bulbs to plant in the Sensory garden and in the tubs and planters around the school. .The money for the tools and bulbs was raised last session by a coffee morning in the Stewarts Hall. The people that went to the trip would like to say a big thanks to Mr Scrimshaw,  Mrs Simpson and Mrs Sell. We can’t wait till next year so we can start planting again!

By Sophie P7 bloggers

Children in need

To support Children in Need most of the school turned up in spots and stripes. We also raised lots of money as a school out of 1 and 2p coins – over £400!! With all of the money we managed to fill up a whole recycling bin. Some of the costumes were  brilliant.

The  Nursery children were also  getting busy for children in need. They were colouring in Pudseys,  face painting and making biscuits.

by Fiona P7 Blogger

Gardening Club

The gardening club has been busy this term, getting the sensory garden and allotment ready for winter.

Pupils helped fill a new raised bed.  Others were busy tidying the shed and painting it.Some did some weeding and also took photos of weeds to make an identification chart so the budding gardeners can pull up weeds correctly.

The group also made a list of equipment needed for the allotment, such as trowels, more watering cans, large pots etc.

Gardening club is now finished for the winter, but the gardening club are going to go by train to Inverurie next week to buy the gardening equipment

Remembrance Day

On the 11th of  November, the P7s and all of the P1s went to the war memorial  and Mrs McIntosh gave a speech about Huntly during WWI.  Mrs Gilchrist’s class made a poppy wreath and two of them laid it on the memorial. Mrs Player’s class also made a wreath with left over poppies and Emma  went and laid it. The photographer from “The Huntly Express” came and took pictures of all of the children. The P7s were partnered with a P1 and and walked very smartly down the avenue. Well Done!
By Sophie and Amy, P7 bloggers


This year there will be a new team of play makers! The playmakers are primary 7s. On the 5th of Dec a hopeful group of primary sevens will go to the Stewarts Hall  find out about about equipment, safe games and how organise fun games with younger children. Sadly only 15 people will be able to be a fully qualified play maker.

The play makers will play fun games with the P1-P3.

By Fiona and India P7 bloogers